Welcome to HappyHolidayHome! This is a full-stack holiday home reservation website built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap 5.
User-friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy-to-use interface for browsing and booking vacation homes.
Home Listings: Browse vacation home listings with descriptions, images, and pricing information.
Booking System: Select vacation homes, choose dates, and make reservations with real-time availability updates.
User Authentication: Secure user registration and login for booking history and profile management, integrated with Google reCAPTCHA for added security.
Admin Panel (Bootstrap 5): Manage holiday homes, reservations, and user data through the admin panel.
Backend Database (MySQL): MySQL database for storing holiday home details, user info, and reservations.
- HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
- Bootstrap 5
- MySQL Database
- PHPMailer for OTP (One-Time Password) system for user verification
Visit happyholidayhome.000webhostapp.com/ to explore and use the online version of the website. Here, you can browse available vacation homes, make reservations, and manage your bookings.
Setup Environment: To host the HappyHolidayHome reservation website, ensure you have a server environment with PHP and MySQL support.
Database Configuration: Import the provided MySQL database schema via PHPMyAdmin for storing details.
Google reCAPTCHA Setup: Obtain your reCAPTCHA keys from Google's reCAPTCHA administration panel. Update these keys into the user and admin login PHP files within your XAMPP directory.
OTP System Configuration: Configure PHPMailer with your email settings for the OTP system for user registration. Adjust the PHPMailer settings within your XAMPP environment.
Launch and Usage: Access the homepage through XAMPP, browse homes, register/login, and manage reservations.
This project is developed by Adhiraj Saha.