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Some general rules
doing a POST request will generally create entities.
doing a GET request will generally return info about the selected entity.

In the python examples, a variable will be assigned a value in one example, 
and then be assumed it is assigned the same way in later examples.
This means, if you don't know the value of a certain variable in one example, 
look for how it's done in previous examples.

Job attachments are found under "/inbox/" in the container.
Job results are to be saved under "/outbox/" in the container or they will be lost.


All api calls (apart from logging in) require you to be logged in. For this you will need to register an account.

Required data
login: String
password: String
email: String

Return value:
JSON: {"status": <value>, "token": <value>}

curl example
$ curl -X POST -d "login=me&password=SecreT&[email protected]"
this will return a token, required to activate your account.
$ curl

python example
import requests
base_url = ""
r ='%s/register' % base_url, data={'login': 'me',
                                                  'password': 'SecreT',
                                                  'email': '[email protected]'})
token = r.json()['token']
r = requests.get('%s/register/confirm/me/%s' % (base_url, token))

Loggin in

You can log in by posting your credentials to the login url and saving the returned cookie.
This cookie will identify you on the server and thus needs to be sent for every subsequent call made to the api.

curl example
$ curl -X POST -d "login=me&password=SecreT" -c /tmp/cookies.txt

python example
r ='%s/login' % base_url, data={'login': 'me',
                                               'password': 'SecreT'})
c = r.cookies

Creating an Image

An image is the api representation of a docker container. To make an image you will need to give it a name and the contents for a docker file.
The contents of the docker file is a literal string, so spacing and newlines are important.
The api will take care of creating and registering the docker image.

The building of the image is done asynchronous. So upon creating an image, you will recieve a build_id.
With this build_id you can query the api to see the state of the build.
Once the build is complete you will recieve the image id.

required data
name: String
dockerfile: Literal string
attachments: File(s) (only when using dockerfile)
repo_url: Url to mercurial repository containing a dockerfile
nocache: When building, will not use cache when true is given. Defaults to false when not provided. 

Note that either you give a dockerfile or a repo_url. The 'repo_url' parameter is handled over the 'dockerfile' parameter when both are given.
Meaning 'dockerfile' will be ignored.

Return value:
JSON {"status": <value>,
	  "build_id": <build_id>}

curl example
$ curl -X POST -d "name=test&dockerfile=@/path/to/some/docker_file&nocache=false" -b /tmp/cookies.txt

Note how we include the cookies to tell the server it is me.

python example
sample_dockerfile = '''FROM busybox
CMD ["echo", "hello world"]
r ='%s/image' % base_url,
                      data={'dockerfile': sample_dockerfile,
                            'name': 'test'},
build_id = r.json()['build_id']

retrieving image data
Retrieving data can be done by doing a GET request to the following url<string:image_id>

Data: JSON {"<image_id>":{"id": <image_id>,
						  "name": <image_name>,
					      "dockerfile": <dockerfile contents>,
						  "creation_date": <date of creation>}}
Querying Image build information
Querying build information can yield different outputs depending on the state of the build.
One key will always be present: 'state'

The different possible states are: SUCCESS, FAILED and PENDING.

Return value:
JSON {"state": <value>}

State: FAILURE (occurs when there is an error in the process that is building the image)
JSON {"state": <value>,
	  "error": <short description>,
	  "output": <traceback>}

State: FAILED (occurs when the build has failed)
JSON {"state": <value>,
	  "error": <short description>,
	  "output": <build_output>}

JSON {"state": <value>,
	  "id": <image_id>,
	  "output": <build_output>}
curl example
$ curl<build_id> -b /tmp/cookies.txt

python example
r = requests.get('%s/image/build/%s' % (base_url, build_id),
state = r.json()['state']

Creating a Pipeline

A Pipeline is exactly as it sounds, a pipeline for jobs (which we will discuss later). 
Even though it is not implemented as such yet. The concept is first in, first out.
To be able to execute jobs, we'll need a pipeline to put them in.
The return value 

required data
name: String

Return value:
JSON {"id": <value>}

curl example
$ curl -X POST -d "name=my_first_pipeline" -b /tmp/cookies.txt

python example
r ='%s/pipeline' % base_url,
                  data={'name': 'my first pipeline'},
pipeline_id = r.json()['id']

retrieving pipeline data
Retrieving data can be done by doing a GET request to the following url<string:pipeline_id>

Data: JSON {"<pipeline_id>": {"id": <pipeline_id>,
				              "name": <pipeline_name>,
				              "creation_date": "date of creation",
				              "jobs": [{"id": <job_id>}, {"id": <job_id>}, ...]}}

Creating a Job

Jobs are the actual real deal. 
A job specifies the command that needs to be run on your container (Image in api terms) and the files needed while running this command.
This means that you will be adding the files you need for a run to you POST request when making a job.
Files uploaded this way will be copied to the "/inbox" path on the container. So if, in your command, you need to access the file "file1"
you can retrieve it by entering "/inbox/file1" in your command or program you are running.
Subsequently, you will need to save all your file results in the path "/outbox" or they will be lost.

Note in the examples how we use the pipeline id, received from pipeline example, to associate the job to a pipeline.

required data
command: String
attachments: File(s)

Return value:
JSON {"id": <value>}

curl example
$<pipeline_id>/job -X POST -F attachments=@/path/to/file1 
-F attachments=@/path/to/file2 -F image_id=<image_id> -F command="echo hello world" -b /tmp/cookies.txt

python example
data = {'command': 'echo hello world',
        'image_id': image_id}
files = [("attachments", open("/path/to/file1", "rb")),
         ("attachments", open("/path/to/file2", "rb"))]
r ='%s/pipeline/%s/job' % (base_url, pipeline_id),

job_id = r.json()['id']

retrieving job data
Retrieving data can be done by doing a GET request to the following url<string:pipeline_id>/job/<string:job_id>

Data: JSON {"<job_id>": {"id": <job_id>,
			              "command": <value>,
			              "state": <value>, (possible states are: ready, in_queue, running, done/failed)
			              "creation_date": <date of creation>,
			              "used_cpu": <value>,
			              "used_memory": <value>,
			              "used_io": <value>,
			              "attachment_token": <value>, (to be removed in future release, holds no intrest for users)
			              "results_path": <value>, (to be removed in future release, holds no intrest for users)
			              "image": {"id": <image_id>},
			              "pipeline": {"id": <pipeline_id>}}}

Submitting a pipeline

Once you've done all of the above, you can submit a pipeline.
Submitting a pipeline runs the actual jobs associated to it.

Return value:
JSON {<job_id>: <job_status>, <job_id>: <job_status>, ...}

curl example
$ curl<pipeline_id>/submit -X POST

python example
r ='%s/pipeline/%s/submit' % (base_url, pipeline_id),
for eid, state in r.json().items():
    print("id: %s - state(%s)" % (eid, state))

Requesting live logs

While a run is taking place (this can be known by checking the state of a job by doing a GET request, it will have the state 'running'), 
you can request the logs of this run. The return value is a collection of log lines.

Return value:
JSON [{id: <log_id>, job:<job_id>, logline:<log_line>}, 
      {id: <log_id>, job:<job_id>, logline:<log_line>}, ...]

Request URL

If you want to build a polling system for the logs, but don't want to get all data all the time, you can give the last <log_id> to omit the previous
log lines, and get only the new lines.<string:job_id>/logs/<string:log_id>

Note that logs, for a run, are accessible the same way even after the run is done.

Downloading your execution result files

Getting the files produced by your run can be done by using the same url for retrieving job information,
and by adding the parameter "result" to your url.<string:pipeline_id>/job/<string:job_id>?result

Following this url will download a zip file containing all output files.


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