An Android chat bot for MET CS622 final Project which queries smartwatch database to give user insights over their activity.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Please fork the repository and work from it so that I can incoorporate the changes you make or if you add any new features.
- You need to have the googleservices.json file to link to firebase, you can set it up using Set up Firebase or email me on ([email protected]) for further instructions.
- You need to clone the backend for this project as well which you can find here MET-CS622-ChatBot-Backend. Instructions on how to clone it are given below.
- Fork and clone both the front end Android repo and the back end Java server.
- Simply run the following command from your terminal to get the source code on your system in the desired directory.
git clone<your_username>/MET-CS622-ChatBot-Project.git
git clone<your_username>/MET-CS622-ChatBot-Project-Backend.git
Or you can fork this repository and then create a pull request for implementing the changes
If you want to install the release apk on your android device then go to the release tab of the repo, and download the apk from the latest release.
- All releases would be ready to be isntalled on supported android devices
- This app is for education/research purpose only and hence won't be released on the playstore as of yet, prior announcement will be made.
- Run queries to database via chat messages.
- Messages are stored both locally and on cloud.
- User authentication allows any user to log in and retrieve previously typed messages and responses.
- Built with MVVM hence easy to maintain, test and easy to pickup.
- Firebase - A comprehensive mobile development platform, go serverless with firebase
- Maven - Dependency Management
- Git - Used for version control
- FastAndroidNetworking - Used FAN API to call REST APIs
- Timber - Used for logging
Will update the requirements and code of conduct soon.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Adit Modhvadia - Initial work - aditmodhvadia
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the LICENSE file for details