Develop Handshake-clone-MongoDb single page web application to learn concepts like Kafka, Passport Js, Redux and mongoDb. In this project I have developed Frontend using React and Redux. To support the backend MongoDB database is used.
SignIn and SignUp for student SignIn and SignUp for Company Profile update for student and company Job posting by Company Job apply for Student View Application for students and company Event posting by Company Event registration by student Upload resume while applying for job by student Upload profile photo for both company and student Student can message other student Employer can message student After contacting by employer student can reply to Employer Student and employer can view other students' profiles. Pagination is implemented for all tabs
To connect Student and Employer at one platform where they can connect to each other Employer can post job openings Students can apply for those openings Employer can post events Student can register for events
Below diagram explain the system design of above handshke application.