For storage model:
Docker, Grafana
Dependecies, should all be installable via pip:
enum34, futures, grpcio, potsdb, protobuf, six, scapy
Node.js, Express.js,
docker run -p 4242:4242 petergrace/opentsdb-docker
(You should already have opentsdb as data source). (Instruction is Mac OS X specific).
brew services start grafana
In the net-collector directory run:
node server.js
The server is by default, on localhost:3001. To modify this, go into server.js and change the port in http.listen.
SSH into the server receiving the network traffic.
ssh [user]@[server IP]
Login and use the command.
python --host [IP of Server] --port [an OPEN PORT]
This can be done on the server or remotely.
python --host [IP of Host] --port [an OPEN PORT] --d1host [First Probe's Host IP] --d1port [first probe's port]
optional: --d2host, --d2port
(Currently only two probes are supported from the commandline).
python --host [IP of Collector's HOST] --port [Collector's PORT] --subscribe ["any/separated/string"]
String is by default interfaces/ethnet/state, metrics will appear under this name in the tsdb and grafana.
Go to localhost:3001 in a browser on the device running, or go to [ip of device running]:3001 on a separate device's browser. The metrics can be viewed via grafana at (by default) localhost:3000, provided you have a dashboard connected to OpenTSDB. Metrics can also be seen via OpenTSDB's graphical interface at (by default) localhost:4242.
Data sent between probe, collector, and client are defined in protobuf files. The unique message types which are used in this case can be found in pkt.proto. Alterations can be made by the standard method: changing the source .proto file & then generating a .py file using the protobuf compiler.