Lua logger to send ZMQ messages using czmq
lib, via Lua FFI.
This module is under active development and is considered production ready.
This library requires an nginx build, the ngx_lua module, LuaJIT 2.0, api-gateway-zmq-adaptor and czmq
http {
# lua_package_path should point to the location on the disk where the "scripts" folder is located
lua_package_path "scripts/?.lua;/src/lua/api-gateway?.lua;;";
# initialize the zmqLogger for each worker process
init_worker_by_lua '
ngx.apiGateway = ngx.apiGateway or {}
local ZmqLogger = require "api-gateway.zmq.ZeroMQLogger"
local zmq_publish_address = "ipc:///tmp/nginx_queue_listen"
ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "Starting new ZmqLogger on pid [", tostring(, "] on address [", zmq_publish_address, "]")
-- create a new ZMQ PUB socket
local zmqLogger = ZmqLogger:new()
zmqLogger:connect(ZmqLogger.SOCKET_TYPE.ZMQ_PUB, zmq_publish_address)
ngx.apiGateway.zmqLogger = zmqLogger
server {
location /sample-logging-location {
log_by_lua '
if ( ngx.apiGateway.logger.zmq ~= nil ) then
make test-docker
This command spins up 2 containers ( Redis and API Gateway ) and executes the tests in test/perl