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Connor Lamoureux edited this page Nov 3, 2023 · 2 revisions

The Area component is used to display area charts. You can specify the type of data that the area is being trended over (linear data, time data or point data) with the scaleType prop. It's also possible to define tooltips and on-click popovers for the area using the ChartTooltip and ChartPopover components respectively as children.

There are two different types of area charts available, standard area and stacked area.

Defining the shape of an area plot

The shape of an area plot can be defined using two different methods. Both of these methods are mutually exclusive. The table below describes the two methods. If metricStart and metricEnd are defined, metric will be ignored and the "start and end" method will be used.

method props details
metric metric Start fixed to the baseline (0) or the end of the previous area (stacked), end is start + metric value
start and end metricStart, metricEnd Start and end values are provided

Value only

If only the metric prop is used to set the shape of the area, then the start of the area will be the baseline (0) or the end of the previous area (stacked). The end of the area will be the start + metric value. This is similar to how a traditional bar or a stacked bar would be defined.


One series

<Chart data={data}>
    <Axis position="bottom" labelFormat="time" granularity="month" baseline />
    <Axis position='left' grid title="Users" />
    <Area metric="users" />


Multiple series

<Chart data={data}>
    <Axis position="bottom" labelFormat="time" granularity="month" baseline />
    <Axis position='left' grid title="Users" />
    <Area metric="users" color="operatingSystem" />
    <Legend position="top" title="Operating system" />


Start and end

The shape of the area can be defined using the metricStart and metricEnd. If one of these props is defined, the other must also be defined. These props cannot be used with stacked = true or with metric. If stacked is set to true, metricStart and metricEnd will both be ignored.


<Chart data={data}>
    <Area metricStart="minScore" metricEnd="maxScore" />


name type default description
children ChartTooltip | ChartPopover Optional elements that can be rendered within the chart.
color string 'series' The key in the data that defines what color that area will be. This is not a color value itself but rather the key in the data that will map to the color's scale.
For example: A stacked area chart that has a different color for each operating system, `color` would be set to the name of the key in the data that defines which operating system it is (color="operatingSystem").
dimension string 'datetime' The key in the data that the metric is trended against. This is the x-axis for a standard area chart.
metric string 'value' The key in the data that is used for the value of the data point. Incompatible with `metricEnd` and `metricStart`.
metricEnd string The key in the data that is used for the end of the area. Incompatible with `metric`.
metricStart string The key in the data that is used for the start of the area. Incompatible with `metric`.
name string Area name. Useful for if you need to traverse the chart object to find this area.
opacity number 0.8 Opacity of the area.
order string The key in the data that defines the stack order. The higher the order, the higher in the stack the series will be. Incompatible with "metricStart" and "metricEnd" (order will be ignored if these are defined).
padding number Sets the chart area padding. This is a ratio from 0 to 1 for categorical scales (point) and a pixel value for continuous scales (time, linear)
scaleType 'linear' | 'time' | 'point' 'time' Type of data that the area is trended over. If using 'time', the dimension data must be in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC (epoch time).
If you are plotting this area along with other marks that are ordinal (ex. bar), then you must use a 'point' scale for the two to area up correctly.



Chart Components

Supplemental Chart Components

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