Project inspired by similar fix for Dawn of War 2 (maximumgame/DOW2CoreFix).
This one however impersonates DirectInput8 DLL to install detours on Windows API functions for querying number of cores and forwards call to original DLL.
Download DINPUT8.dll from releases.
- Download and install x86 Visual Studio 2022 Redistributable
- Copy DINPUT8.dll to the install directory of Space Marine (next to SpaceMarine.exe)
- Launch game
- This will work only for standard Windows installation in C:\Windows path.
- Tested only on 64bit Windows altough in theory it should work on 32bit too
- Tested only with Space Marine Aniversary Edition from Steam
Open SpaceMarineCoreFix.sln in Visual Studio 2022 Community and build Release version. Built DLL should be in Release folder in root project directory.