This project aims to monitor the performance of a Raspberry Pi by tracking CPU temperature and CPU utilization. The data is collected using a Python script, stored in an InfluxDB database, and visualized through a Grafana dashboard.
During the development of this project, several challenges were encountered and resolved:
Docker Installation Issues: Initial difficulties in installing Docker on the Raspberry Pi were resolved by using the official Docker installation script. InfluxDB Setup: Configuring InfluxDB to run correctly in a Docker container and ensuring it was accessible by Grafana required setting up a custom Docker network and adjusting configuration settings. Data Collection Script: Ensuring the Python script collected accurate CPU temperature and utilization data and successfully pushed it to InfluxDB involved troubleshooting and refining the script. Grafana Configuration: Connecting Grafana to InfluxDB and setting up the dashboard required careful configuration of data sources and queries.
This project was initially planned as a collaborative effort between two students. However, my partner David decided to leave the "Labs and Production" course to pursue "Digital Health". As a result, I (Kai Aebli) completed this project independently.
Dockerfile: This file contains the instructions to build a Docker image for running the Python data collection script. It includes the necessary installations and setups to ensure the script runs correctly inside a Docker container. This Python script collects CPU temperature and utilization data from the Raspberry Pi and sends it to the InfluxDB database. It runs continuously, collecting data at regular intervals.
grafana_dashboard.json: This JSON file contains the configuration for the Grafana dashboard, including the panels for visualizing CPU temperature and utilization data.