This script is used to show system resource informations on an SSD1306 OLED display.
- Python 2.7
- Luma core library
- Luma oled library
- Pillow
sudo apt install python python-pip
sudo pip install pillow luma.core luma.oled psutil
The Display is connected to the default I2C port on the Raspberry Pi Header
VCC -> Pin 1
GND -> Pin 6
SDA -> Pin 3
SCL -> Pin 5
It's also possible to use an spi based OLED. Take a look in the main script and modify the marked line.
Use sudo chmod +x
to make the script executable
and sudo ./
to run the script
If you want to enable autostart, open the .service file and change
to your actual working directory
Add the .service file to your boot routine
sudo cp oledMonitor.service /lib/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable oledMonitor.service