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affeldt-aist committed Oct 4, 2024
1 parent e0d698a commit b59add2
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Showing 7 changed files with 286 additions and 172 deletions.
93 changes: 46 additions & 47 deletions information_theory/aep.v
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
(* Copyright (C) 2020 infotheo authors, license: LGPL-2.1-or-later *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum matrix.
From mathcomp Require boolp.
Require Import Reals.
From mathcomp Require Import Rstruct.
Require Import ssrR Reals_ext realType_ext ssr_ext bigop_ext ssralg_ext logb.
From mathcomp Require Import reals exp Rstruct.
Require Import realType_ext ssr_ext bigop_ext ssralg_ext realType_logb.
Require Import fdist proba entropy.

Expand All @@ -26,62 +25,62 @@ Local Open Scope entropy_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope vec_ext_scope.

Import Order.POrderTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory.

Section mlog_prop.
Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}).
Local Open Scope R_scope.

Definition aep_sigma2 := `E ((`-- (`log P)) `^2) - (`H P)^2.
Definition aep_sigma2 : Rdefinitions.R := `E ((`-- (`log P)) `^2) - (`H P)^+2.

Lemma aep_sigma2E : aep_sigma2 = \sum_(a in A) P a * (log (P a))^2 - (`H P)^2.
Lemma aep_sigma2E : aep_sigma2 = \sum_(a in A) P a * (log (P a))^+2 - (`H P)^+2.
rewrite /aep_sigma2 /Ex [in LHS]/log_RV /sq_RV /comp_RV.
by under eq_bigr do rewrite mulRC /ambient_dist -mulRR Rmult_opp_opp mulRR.
by under eq_bigr do rewrite mulrC /ambient_dist expr2 mulrNN -expr2.

Lemma V_mlog : `V (`-- (`log P)) = aep_sigma2.
rewrite aep_sigma2E /Var E_trans_RV_id_rem -entropy_Ex.
(\sum_(a in A) ((- log (P a))^2 * P a - 2 * `H P * - log (P a) * P a +
`H P ^ 2 * P a))%R.
(\sum_(a in A) ((- log (P a))^+2 * P a - 2 * `H P * - log (P a) * P a +
`H P ^+ 2 * P a))%R.
apply eq_bigr => a _.
rewrite /scalel_RV /log_RV /neg_RV /trans_add_RV /sq_RV /comp_RV /= /sub_RV.
by rewrite /ambient_dist; field.
rewrite big_split /= big_split /= -big_distrr /= (FDist.f1 P) mulR1.
rewrite (_ : \sum_(a in A) - _ = - (2 * `H P ^ 2))%R; last first.
rewrite -{1}big_morph_oppR; congr (- _)%R.
by rewrite /ambient_dist -!mulrBl -mulrDl.
rewrite big_split /= big_split /= -big_distrr /= (FDist.f1 P) mulr1.
rewrite (_ : \sum_(a in A) - _ = - (2 * `H P ^+ 2))%R; last first.
rewrite -{1}big_morph_oppr; congr (- _)%R.
rewrite [X in X = _](_ : _ =
\sum_(a in A) (2 * `H P) * (- (P a * log (P a))))%R; last first.
by apply eq_bigr => a _; rewrite -!mulRA (mulRC (P a)) mulNR.
rewrite -big_distrr [in LHS]/= -{1}big_morph_oppR.
by rewrite -/(entropy P) -mulRA /= mulR1.
by apply eq_bigr => a _; rewrite (mulrC (P a)) -[in RHS]mulNr mulrA.
rewrite -big_distrr [in LHS]/= -{1}big_morph_oppr.
by rewrite -/(entropy P) expr2 mulrA.
set s := ((\sum_(a in A ) _)%R in LHS).
rewrite (_ : \sum_(a in A) _ = s)%R; last by apply eq_bigr => a _; field.
rewrite RpowE GRing.expr2 -!RmultE mulR1.
rewrite (_ : \sum_(a in A) _ = s)%R; last first.
by apply eq_bigr => a _; rewrite sqrrN mulrC.
by rewrite (mulr_natl _ 2) mulr2n opprD addrA subrK.

Lemma aep_sigma2_ge0 : 0 <= aep_sigma2.
Proof. rewrite -V_mlog /Var; apply Ex_ge0 => ?; exact: pow_even_ge0. Qed.

Proof. by rewrite -V_mlog /Var; apply: Ex_ge0 => ?; exact: sq_RV_ge0. Qed.
End mlog_prop.

Definition sum_mlog_prod (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) n : {RV (P `^ n) -> R} :=
(fun t => \sum_(i < n) - log (P t ``_ i))%R.
Definition sum_mlog_prod (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) n : {RV ((P `^ n)%fdist)-> Rdefinitions.R} :=
(fun t => \sum_(i < n) - log (P (t ``_ i)))%R.

Arguments sum_mlog_prod {A} _ _.

Lemma sum_mlog_prod_sum_map_mlog (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) n :
sum_mlog_prod P n.+1 \=sum (\row_(i < n.+1) `-- (`log P)).
elim : n => [|n IH].
- move: (@sum_n_1 A P (\row_i `-- (`log P))).
- move: (@sum_n_1 _ A P (\row_i `-- (`log P))).
set mlogP := cast_fun_rV10 _.
move => HmlogP.
set mlogprodP := @sum_mlog_prod _ _ 1.
suff -> : mlogprodP = mlogP by [].
rewrite /mlogprodP /mlogP /sum_mlog_prod /cast_fun_rV10 /= mxE /=.
by rewrite boolp.funeqE => ta; rewrite big_ord_recl big_ord0 addR0.
by rewrite boolp.funeqE => ta; rewrite big_ord_recl big_ord0 addr0.
- rewrite [X in _ \=sum X](_ : _ =
row_mx (\row_(i < 1) (`-- (`log P))) (\row_(i < n.+1) `-- (`log P))); last first.
apply/rowP => b; rewrite !mxE; case: splitP.
Expand All @@ -96,52 +95,52 @@ Section aep_k0_constant.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}).

Definition aep_bound epsilon := (aep_sigma2 P / epsilon ^ 3)%R.
Definition aep_bound epsilon : Rdefinitions.R := (aep_sigma2 P / epsilon ^+ 3)%R.

Lemma aep_bound_ge0 e (_ : 0 < e) : 0 <= aep_bound e.
Proof. apply divR_ge0; [exact: aep_sigma2_ge0 | exact/pow_lt]. Qed.
Proof. by apply divr_ge0; [exact: aep_sigma2_ge0 | apply/exprn_ge0/ltW]. Qed.

Lemma aep_bound_decreasing e e' : 0 < e' <= e -> aep_bound e <= aep_bound e'.
case=> Oe' e'e.
apply leR_wpmul2l; first exact: aep_sigma2_ge0.
apply leR_inv => //; first exact/pow_lt.
apply pow_incr => //; split; [exact/ltRW | exact/e'e ].
case/andP=> Oe' e'e.
apply ler_wpM2l; first exact: aep_sigma2_ge0.
rewrite lef_pV2 ?posrE; [|apply/exprn_gt0..] => //; last first.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans _ e'e).
by rewrite lerXn2r// ?nnegrE ltW// (lt_le_trans _ e'e).

End aep_k0_constant.

Section AEP.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) (n : nat) (epsilon : R).
Variables (A : finType) (P : {fdist A}) (n : nat) (epsilon : Rdefinitions.R).
Hypothesis Hepsilon : 0 < epsilon.

Lemma aep : aep_bound P epsilon <= n.+1%:R ->
Pr (P `^ n.+1) [set t | (0 < P `^ n.+1 t)%mcR &&
(`| (`-- (`log (P `^ n.+1)) `/ n.+1) t - `H P | >= epsilon)%mcR ] <= epsilon.
Pr (P `^ n.+1)%fdist [set t | (0 < (P `^ n.+1)%fdist t) &&
(`| (`-- (`log (P `^ n.+1)%fdist) `/ n.+1) t - `H P | >= epsilon)%mcR ] <= epsilon.
move=> Hbound.
apply (@leR_trans (aep_sigma2 P / (n.+1%:R * epsilon ^ 2))); last first.
apply (@le_trans _ _ (aep_sigma2 P / (n.+1%:R * epsilon ^+ 2))); last first.
rewrite /aep_bound in Hbound.
apply (@leR_wpmul2r (epsilon / n.+1%:R)) in Hbound; last first.
apply divR_ge0; [exact/ltRW/Hepsilon | exact/ltR0n].
rewrite [in X in _ <= X]mulRCA mulRV ?INR_eq0' // ?mulR1 in Hbound.
apply/(leR_trans _ Hbound)/Req_le; field.
by split; [by rewrite INR_eq0 | exact/eqP/gtR_eqF].
apply (@ler_wpmul2r _ (epsilon / n.+1%:R)) in Hbound; last first.
by rewrite divr_ge0// ltW.
rewrite [in X in _ <= X]mulrCA mulfV ?pnatr_eq0// ?mulr1 in Hbound.
apply/(le_trans _ Hbound).
rewrite [in leRHS]mulrA [in leRHS]exprSr [in leRHS]invfM.
rewrite -3![in leRHS]mulrA (mulrA epsilon^-1) mulVf ?gt_eqF// mul1r.
by rewrite (mulrC (n.+1%:R)) invfM.
have Hsum := sum_mlog_prod_sum_map_mlog P n.
have H1 k i : `E ((\row_(i < k.+1) `-- (`log P)) ``_ i) = `H P.
by rewrite mxE entropy_Ex.
have H2 k i : `V ((\row_(i < k.+1) `-- (`log P)) ``_ i) = aep_sigma2 P.
by rewrite mxE V_mlog.
have {H1 H2} := (wlln (H1 n) (H2 n) Hsum Hepsilon).
move/(leR_trans _); apply.
move/(le_trans _); apply.
apply/subset_Pr/subsetP => ta; rewrite 2!inE => /andP[H1].
rewrite /sum_mlog_prod [`-- (`log _)]lock /= -lock /= /scalel_RV /log_RV /neg_RV.
rewrite fdist_rVE.
rewrite log_prodR_sumR_mlog //.
move=> i; apply/RltP.
move: i; apply/prod_gt0_inv.
rewrite /sum_mlog_prod [`-- (`log _)]lock /= -lock /scalel_RV /log_RV /neg_RV/=.
rewrite fdist_rVE log_prodr_sumr_mlog //.
by move=> x; exact: FDist.ge0.
by move: H1; rewrite fdist_rVE.
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