1.3.0 Introduce Auto-jump toggle
Lots of goodies, fixes, optimizations, and improvements. Shout-out to @nbusseneau for helping make this happen.
- Add label to vanilla Auto-run setting in both Gameplay and Accessibility menus that concisely describes the hover text
- Add config that allows character movement to continue even after Esc key is pressed
- Add config that allows the mod sprint behavior to function like the vanilla auto-run, which detoggles when character comes to a halt or runs out of stamina
- Add logic that allows the mod play nicely with the vanilla Auto-run setting (and vice versa)
- Refactor config to reduce redundant/overlapping config setting. Removes OverrideGameAutorun, which can be achieved through combo of other config
- Fix bug that prevented mod config keymappings changes (changing from defaults of T or CapsLock) from taking effect until the Reset Controls button was pressed in game settings
- Fix bugs that triggered character movement or behavior while in chat, inventory, and/or build/repair menus