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Andreas Gravgaard Andersen edited this page Apr 25, 2018 · 6 revisions

Future plans (Part of Ph.D. project)

  • WEPL visualization methods, as in Gorgisyan et al. 2016
  • gPMC CUDA-version support (Probably during the fall 2018)
  • Contour visualization and propagation from planCT to deformCT and corrCBCT

Probably far future plans (Wish list)

  • OpenCL implementation of the forward-projection used in the scatter correction. To eventually remove CUDA dependency, because, because, because CUDA limits compiler options, because OpenCL runs on almost any hardware and because OpenCL gives slightly better performance (on my 980M GPU) for the back-projection, so the same could be expected the other way.
  • Move to ITK 5 when Plastimatch supports it.
  • Move from OpenCL C to OpenCL C++
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