This was the final project for the Subject Object Oriented Programming. The idea was to make the Classes Diagram and then move it to the code.
The code was made in Java, we used Singleton pattern on the "Gestor" class so it wouldn't instantiate more than one time.
In order to comply with and enforce encapsulation, all "Gestor" methods are private and modularized so that only one class (the orchestrator) handles the logic and can access them.
Using polymorphism and inheritance, we made some abstract methods on the Parent classes so the child ones were obligated to overwrite them.
We also made a ContactRepository class that contains two methods:
- 1. saveContacts: it saves the List of Contacts in a .txt file
- 2. loadContacts: it loads the previous List of Contacts from the .txt file so the user doesn't lose data.
Since we hadn't seen Swing we were not required to use UI but we made a Menu so the user can interact with the app through the terminal.
- Agustin Gimenez (Me)
- Gonzalo Lema -