⚠️ This package is in early development, so don't use it until you know your risks.
Framework/wrapper for ext-ncurses
that will allows you to write simple CLI
applications using a little bit of XML and PHP.
Give a ⭐ if like it and write me if you don't and we will make it better.
Made with habarnam
Soon could be implemented:
- Chat (WIP)
- Redis or MySQL browser
- Reddit browser
- Ascii drawing tool
If you have some ideas, then create an issue and we will discuss it 🤘
#go to you project directory and require it into your project
composer require aharabara/habarnam
# then install ext-ncurses with its patches, so it will work for php 7.*
# and add 'extension=ncurses.so' to your php.ini
touch ./index.php
mkdir ./src/
mkdir ./logs/
mkdir ./views/
mkdir ./assets/
touch ./views/surfaces.xml
touch ./views/main.xml
touch ./assets/styles.css
index.php content
use Base\{Application, Core\Installer, Core\Workspace, Services\ViewRender};
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$projectName = '<You project name>'; // will be used to create a folder inside ~/.config
$workspace = new Workspace("habarnam-{$projectName}");
$installer = new Installer($workspace);
if (!$installer->isInstalled()) {
/* folder with surfaces.xml and other view files */
$render = new ViewRender(__DIR__. '/views/');
(new Application($workspace, $render->prepare(), 'main'))
surface.xml content
<!-- each surface should be declared inside application>surfaces element
and should have 'id' attribute
<surface id="example.middle">
<!-- top left corner of the surface-->
<pos x="10" y="4"/>
<!-- top bottom corner of the surface-->
<pos x="-10" y="8"/>
<!-- y="-5" will lead to calculation from bottom and not from the top -->
<!-- x="-5" will lead to calculation from right and not from the left -->
<surface id="example.fullscreen"/>
<!-- In some cases you just need a popup, so you can use [type=centered]
and specify it's [height] and [width]
<surface id="example.popup" height="7" type="centered"/>
main.xml content
<template id="main"> <!-- template tag represents a screen with components -->
<!-- you can jump between view using Application->switchTo('TemplateID') or BaseController->switchTo('TemplateID')-->
<!-- you can specify here which css files you want to load for this template-->
<link src="/assets/styles.css"/>
<section title="Users" surface="column.left"> <!-- surface attribute will set section size and position -->
<ol id="users" on.item.selected="\App\UserController@login"> <!-- on.* are events that are triggered during interaction -->
<li value="user-1">User</li> <!-- you can nest some components, for example ol > li -->
<section title="History" surface="column.right.top"> <!-- or section > * -->
<textarea id="info"/>
<section title="Message" surface="column.right.bottom">
<input id="message"/> <!-- you can address any (non-dynamic) component via Application->findFirst('.css>selector')-->
<button on.press="\App\UserController@login" id="send">Send</button> <!-- or via Application->findAll('selector')-->
- To navigate through components use
andShift + Tab
or keyboard arrows. - Call
and then press F1 and you will be able to see components surfaces. Surface calculation is still glitchy, but you can use it. - Press
to toggle resize mode - Press
to refresh styles from css files. (:cool:) - Press
to exit application. Be careful and save everything before doing it. - more coming...