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matchbox-ng angular frontend to matchbox

see latest test release

angular web applications which uses fhir for:

  • Validation of FHIR resources

built with:

Note: Chrome on OSX has a CORS Problem and cannot execute te $extract operation, this happens only to a http url, but not to a https url

  • Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request.
  • Looks like this could happen: For those struggling with this in the future, the problem was that the URL was returning a 302-Redirect, and even though the new location was presenting CORS headers with 200-OK, the initial 302 response was not.

development setup

if you are not using the devcontainer from this project with VS Code Remote Development extension you need to have angular cli and yarn installed:

npm install -g @angular/cli
npm install
ng build --configuration development

and then

ng serve --configuration development


Run ng serve --configuration development to start the app, app will be at http://localhost:4200. If you use the Visual Code functionality with Remote containers: Open Folder in container option, you need to start it with ng serve --host

if you use localhost and have cross site blocking issues within chrome start chrome directly from command line (osx)

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --disable-features=CrossSiteDocumentBlockingAlways,CrossSiteDocumentBlockingIfIsolating

running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

frontend for matchbox

this angular app is directly provided with matchbox

ng build --configuration production --base-href /matchboxv3/
rm -rf ../matchbox-health/matchbox-server/src/main/resources/static/*
cp -r dist/* ../matchbox-health/matchbox-server/src/main/resources/static


Have a look at contributing.

setup fhir-kit-client

yarn add fhir-kit-client
yarn add @types/fhir-kit-client --dev
yarn add debug
yarn add @types/debug --dev

see also debug-js/debug#305 enter in chrome console for debugging the following: localStorage.debug = 'fhir-kit-client:*';

localStorage.debug = 'fhir-kit-client:,app:';