As a DevOps Engineer, I successfully led the HiveBox project, which involved building a scalable RESTFUL API around openSenseMap to assist Beekeepers with their chores . This project was part of the Dynamic DevOps Roadmap and covered various phases of the DevOps lifecycle .
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements :
- Python : Programming Language
- Docker : Installed and configured
- kubectl : Installed and configured to interact with your Kubernetes cluster
- kind : Installed and configured to run local Kubernetes clusters using Docker containers as nodes
- Terraform : open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool
- Helm : simplifies the deployment and management of applications on Kubernetes clusters
- GitHub CLI : For interacting with GitHub repositories and workflows directly from the command line
- Redis : For database caching and real-time analytics
- MinIO : For handling data storage
- Nginx : high-performance HTTP server
- Kustomize : For customizing Kubernetes objects through a kustomization file
- Grafana : For collecting logs and metrics
- Kyverno : For managing, validating and generating configurations for Kubernetes resources
- TestKube : For testing orchestration and execution framework designed for cloud-native applications
• Understand Your Role: Learn about your role in the project and how you'll collaborate with other teams .
• Agile Methodology: Brush up on agile project management and decide which Agile methodology you'll use (e.g., Scrum, Kanban) .
• Documentation: Document your progress and decisions as you go .
• Python Fundamentals: Learn Python basics .
• Development Tools: Familiarize yourself with common development tools .
• Git Basics: Get comfortable with Git for version control .
• Linux Essentials: Gain essential Linux skills and learn common tools .
• Bash Scripting: Practice writing bash scripts .
• Docker Fundamentals: Understand the basics of Docker .
• Define Goals: Clearly define your project goals .
• Prioritize Requirements: Prioritize the requirements for your project .
• Modularity: Focus on code modularity .
• Testing: Implement unit tests and follow Docker best practices .
• Continuous Integration: Explore quality gates in continuous integration with GitHub Actions .
• Planning: Review and refine your planning .
• REST API Best Practices: Apply REST API best practices .
• Kubernetes: Embrace Kubernetes for container orchestration .
• Observability: Dive into observability .
• Continuous Delivery: Explore continuous delivery solutions .
• Cloud Computing: Get an overview of cloud computing .
• Integration: Integrate your code with external systems .
• Integration Tests: Write integration tests .
• Infrastructure as Code: Learn Terraform essentials and Kubernetes configuration management (Helm) .
• Continuous Delivery Best Practices: Implement CD best practices .
• Deploy the Application in Declarative GitOps Style Using Argo CD .
• Prepare for Production by Setting Up DNS (ExternalDNS) and Certificates (Cert-Manager) .
• Automate Dependency Updates with Dependabot .
• Move All External Services to Kubernetes Cluster Using Open-Source Solutions .
Each phase builds on the previous one, gradually covering all aspects of the DevOps lifecycle, from planning and coding to testing, continuous integration, continuous delivery and infrastructure . The goal is to learn industry best practices while implementing a real system .
- Create a Project Directory
mkdir hiveBox cd hiveBox
- Create a Virtual Environment and activate it
python3 -m venv env source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 --name minio -e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=minioadmin" -e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin" -v <<Your volume path >>
• -> to see the version endpoint
• -> to see the temperature endpoint
• -> to returns default Prometheus metrics about the app
• -> to return HTTP 200 unless 50% + 1 of the configured senseBoxes are not accessible and caching content is older than 5 min
• -> to make the application store the data every 5 minutes, but by calling this endpoint, it should store the data directly on MinIO
• -> to open Minio WebUI, create abucket and its name as written in code (mybucket) and show your stored Data ( Usename: minioadmin & Password: minioadmin )
- Bulding Docker Image
docker build -t your-dockerhub-username/hiveBox-scalable-restful-api-for-beekeepers:latest .
- Running your image
docker run -p 5000:5000 your-dockerhub-username/hiveBox-scalable-restful-api-for-beekeepers:latest
- Log In to Docker Hub
docker login
- Push the Docker Image to Docker Hub
docker push your-dockerhub-username/hiveBox-scalable-restful-api-for-beekeepers:latest