Transponder between cars for the IAC.
- Arduino based
- ROS2 node example
- Powered via PoE
The ESP32-PoE-ISO listens to UDP packets published from the ROS2 node ros2 run transponder2ros transponder2ros_node
These are then packaged with a header and a checksum and sent out as serial data over the xbee network to all the available nodes.
The ESP32-PoE-ISO takes any received packets over the xbee network, checks their integrity, and converts them back into UDP packets, and forwards them back to the transponder2ros_node
The node then publishes the data out as a transponder_msgs::msg::Transponder
onto the ROS2 network.
- Compute
- Olimex ESP32-PoE-ISO
- Radio
- Antennas