The service allows you to manage laboratory tests.
It is divided into two parts:
- Patient panel - which allows to:
- check list with surveys and parameters attached to them, which are currently provided by the laboratory
- add many orders with selected parameters to the basket and submit order
- check current status and the results of ordered surveys
- Laboratory Specialist panel - which allows to:
- add new surveys to the laboratory offer
- add new survey parameters and attach/detach them to the surveys
- check list with pending surveys
- fill results to the surveys
Database file with some example data is already in the repository, so all you need to do is:
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd medical_app && python runserver
- Send to patient notification with the link, when their results will be ready
- Show patients unordered items from their baskets in the last time (as CART model holds patient ID), to let them continue ordering them
- Improve table with pending surveys at laboratory specialist panel
- Clean fields at models, work on auto-removing unnecessary records from database
- Tests