- solve transport on a surface mesh
dC/dt + v dC/dx = -aC + a \sum_i w_i C^sg(Tau_i)
for some set of surface cells, hang a 1D logical? mstk? mesh off of the cell from Tau = 0 to Tau max, with variable dTau.
solve transport (separately) on the 1D mesh in Tau, with BC given by aC at Tau=0 to calculate C^sg(Tau_i)
check whether 1D mesh is MSTK or Logical -- can transport run in TPFA? (yes, use logical, need to convert surface to logical too!)
write code to create and hang 1D meshes from surface mesh (done)
write evaluator to accumulate weighted source term \sum_i w_i C^sg above (evaluators can't work, hard coded)
- surface-transport: steady state flow on the surface mesh, transport using that flow
- surface-logical: steady state flow on a logical mesh, transport using that flow
- surface-logical-coplay: transport individually surface + all subgrid logicals, totally uncoupled
- surface-logical-oneway: transport on surface mesh, subgrid models take BC from surface
- surface-logical-twoway-noreturn: transport on surface mesh, subgrid models take BC from surface, surface loses C to subgrid
- surface-logical-twoway: transport on surface, subgrid models take BC from surface, surface loses C to subgrid, surface gains recharge from subgrid
Four types of DomainFunctions used:
- Source into surface mesh (PK_DomainFunctionVolume)
- BC of subgrid meshes (PK_DomainFunctionSubgrid, maps from surface C onto subgrid BCs)
- Sink from surface to subgrid. (PK_DomainFunctionExponentialDecay, -alpha A C)
- Source to surface from subgrid. (PK_DomainFunctionSubgridReturn, alpha A sum_i w_i C_i)
Note that all things that need A should use Volume multiple on surfafce (1,3,4).
Should the BC of 2 be C_sg |_0 = alpha C_surf as suggested above? Or C_sg |_0 = C_surf? The latter is the current implementation.