Welcome to the new home of the MSEndpointMgr Driver Automation Tool.
If you would like to donate to the development of this tool, then please use the sponsor button at the top of the page.
Q Can you please add model x to the list
A The manufacturer provides the model listings for Dell, Lenovo and HP. For Microsoft I am manually adding them, so in that instance yes.
Scripts, MSIs and downloads contained within are provided with no warranty or liabilities. They are provided as is
Implemenation guides for modern driver management and modern bios management can be found here;
All source code and installers will be maintained here from 11-March-2020.
Version history:
6.0.0 - (2018-03-29) New verison. Graphical redesign, improved layout, HP individual driver downloads
6.0.1 - (2018-03-30) Model matching fix
6.0.2 - (2018-04-03) Package storage destination browse button fix
Duplicate DP/DPG fix
6.0.3 - (2018-04-06) A couple of more code tweaks and fixes
6.0.4 - (2018-04-10) Fix for Dell system links not being found for some models when downloading BIOS
or driver packages.
DP & DPG's datagrid will now clear on each detection
Added the ability to provide a custom packages root folder structure or drop all
packages into the root folder
6.0.5 - (2018-04-25) HP model matching logic updated
Custom packaging updated
6.0.6 - (2018-05-01) Added support for Windows 10 build 1803 (HP)
6.0.7 - (2018-05-28) Fix for HP driver / firmware catalogue - now single extract of the contained XML
Removed OS informationin BIOS packages description
Added Windows 10 build version to HP packages created via the custom package function
6.0.8 - (2018-06-06) HP SoftPaq packaging code changes. Fix for HP 1803 downloads and catalogue XML issuess.
SCCM custom folder code optimisation.
Bits enabled by default, can be disabled by setting the option manually and then closing
the GUI to commit the save.
Additional error handling.
6.0.9 - (2018-06-19) Lenovo model lookup failure fix
Lenovo Windows 10 download matching workaround. Current download will use latest Windows 10 build
download link until build numbers are available in the XML
Data grid updates for both Models and Package Management sections to clearer highlight selected values
6.0.9 - HF -(2018-08-02) Hotfix for HP downloads
6.1.3 - (2018-10-22) Resolved issue with Bits-Trasnfer module not loading on Windows Server 2012 R2
TLS set to 1.2
6.1.4 - (2018-12-21) Improved GUI response for make and OS selections
Fix for some Dell models not finding the BIOS download link URL
Added additional MDT driver path options
6.1.5 - (2019-01-23) HP BIOS download fix
Added move to Windows 10 1809 build in package management
Manufacturer correction for Microsoft custom packages
6.1.6 - (2019-02-22) Fix: Reset tool form issues resolved
Fix: Logging timezone issues resolved
Fix: Source package clean up issues resolved
Additional checking for MDT and ConfigMgr platforms
Removal of legacy code
6.1.7 - (2019-03-04) Fix: Condition whereby not all selected models are saved within the XML settings file
6.2.0 - (2019-04-29) Now packaged as an MSI installer
Scaling changed to DPI to support high DPI (4K) screens
Added support for Windows 10 1903
Added support for resizing of the tool (minimum size hard coded)
Fix: Condition where model search would not become enabled without toggling of manufacturer values
6.3.0 - (2019-07-22) Added support for all Microsoft Surface models across Windows 10 builds
Added support for seperately packaged driver and firmware for Microsoft Surface models
Various bug fixes and code improvements
6.3.1 - (2019-08-03) Fixed issues with SKU value change causing download and packaging issues with HP & Lenovo packages
6.4.0 - (2019-12-02) Added support for Windows 10 1909
Removed support for Surface firmware packages
Fixed Surface driver extraction issues due to external formatting change
Fixed Dell 2-in-1 driver version issues
Fixed removal of superseded versions and content source clean up
Added improved logic for Microsoft Surface known model lookups
Added additiona UI tweaks including model search now searching on return
Locked down grid view colum resizing where required
6.4.1 - (2019-12-04) Fixed intermittent issues with Lenovo HTML / JavaScript parsing causing driver matching failures
Fixed issues for Lenovo devices with long SKU listings with description change
Fixed issues with custom package creation not displaying the SKU value correctly
Tweak to MS model matching logic
6.4.3 - (2020-01-31) OOB release to fix changes in HP driver extraction
6.4.4 - (2020-02-22) Fixed issues with Lenovo driver extraction caused back packager change
Fixed issues with driver imports using native driver packages
Added support for zipped driver packages
6.4.5 - (2020-03-09) Updated Dell Flash64w download location in order to download latest available build
Fixed UI elements not disabling in the admin control
Fixed OS selection on initial load not disabling Dell if the previous OS selection was a Windows 10
build specific selection
Updated Find Model button to find but not select, and addded Find + Select button
6.4.6 - (2020-03-18) Fixed Lenovo download link logic and added further output
Updated package creation for all packages just to include the SKU/BaseBoard values
Updated link within the tool to GitHub as Technet is being retired
Updated custom package creation to include Windows 10 1909
6.4.8 - (2020-07-15) Added support for Windwos 10 2004
Added support for HP SoftPaq creation and updated UI to select available SoftPaqs per models
Added support for creation of 7zip driver packages
Added support for XML based modern driver and BIOS management solutions
Faster UI and XML handling
Updated Lenovo XML source
Dell Flash 64w handling updated
6.4.9 - (2020-09-15) Added WIM Support
Updated model and distribution point WMI queries for better performance
Updated XML logic file creation function
Updated Dell XML handling
6.4.9 Hotfix - (2020-10-21) Lenovo XML hotfix
6.5.6 - (2021-08-20) Updated manufacturer sources, with feeds from GitHub repo for imporoved maintenance
Fix for Microsoft Surface model detection on download
Fixes for other bugs and typos
7.0.0 - (2021-11-19) Support for Windows 11 and Windows 10 21H2
Intune BIOS Control XML support
7.0.4 - (2022-03-09) Fix: HP SKU value issue causing description lenght exception
Fix: Dell BIOS download previously selecting old version where multiple downloads are found
New: WINRM over HTTPS option
7.1.8 - (2022-09-01) Microsoft Surface model download fixes.
7.1.9 - (2022-09-22) Added support for Windows 11 22H2
7.2.0 - (2022-12-02) Mostly bug fixes and Windows 10 22H2 support
7.2.1 - (2022-12-20) Added fix for Dell BIOS packages not showing in the CSV summary output
7.2.2 - (2023-01-10) Bug fixes
7.2.3 - (2024-02-25) Added support for Windows 11 23H2. Please note that Microsoft Surface links for 23H2 will follow in the next update
Minor bug fixes
Compile order issue bugs resolved in hotfix with SHA 256 6b3e8a777bbc567b4be33be593d563109ce9ec205ba9a5864f90d6e4ad986b1b
Customizations - (2023-06-21) Correct the Build Number for Win11-22H2 at line 13375 - (2023-06-22) Update OEMLinks.xml to use the OSDeploy MS catalog.
Update our fork to use our OEMLinks.xml - (2024-02-29) Initial Support For W11-23H2 - (2024-02-29) Fix for https://github.com/maurice-daly/DriverAutomationTool/issues/496 by adding entries for 22H2 and 23H2, updating path to softpaqs. - (2024-05-17) Resolves issue with Microsoft products containin + in the name, requires corresponding changes to Invoke-CMApplyDriverPackage.ps1 from ModernDriverManagement to work. - (2024-03-12) Merged previous customizations into 7.2.3
Fixed reintroduced bug with incorrect build numbers in $WindowsBuildHashTable