An unofficial MangaDex API built with the JSON API and web parsing. No other NPM dependencies.
npm install mangadex-full-api
// A Couple of Examples
const api = require("mangadex-full-api");
api.agent.login("mfa", "mangadex-full-api", false).then(async () => {
var manga = new api.Manga();
await manga.fillByQuery("Ancient Magus Bride");
console.log(`${manga.title} by ${manga.authors.join(", ")}`);
let chapterId = manga.chapters[0].id;
// New v4.0.0 Method
let chapter = await api.Chapter.get(chapterId);
console.log(`Vol. ${chapter.volume} Ch. ${chapter.chapter} (${chapter.language}) of ${manga.title} has ${chapter.views} views.`);
MDNet (Mangadex@Home)
Called with api.agent
Property | Type | Information |
sessionId | String |
User session token |
sessionExpiration | Date |
Session token expiration date |
persistentId | String |
Rember me token |
hentaiSetting | Number |
Hentai toggle setting (Default: Shown). See settings.hentai |
user | User |
This agent as a MangaDex user object. |
domainOverride | String |
Domain to replace "" with |
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
username | String |
Login username | No |
password | String |
Login password | No |
rememberMe | Boolean |
Create persistent session? (Default: False) | Yes |
Logs into MangaDex with specified credentials, then fills the agent object. This must be executed before a search.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
filepath | String |
Cache file location | No |
username | String |
Login username | No |
password | String |
Login password | No |
persistent | Boolean |
Create persistent session? (Default: True) | Yes |
Attempts to load the sessionId at the specified location. If there is no file or if the sessionId does not work, it is regenerated by calling login().
Persistent sessions appear here under "Password and Security"
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
target | String |
Target user's username | No |
subject | String |
The message's subject | No |
body | String |
The message's body (BBCode Format) | No |
Sends a Direct Message to a specified user from the Agent user.
Fills agent.user with information about the agent. It must be logged in.
Returns (up to) the last 10 manga read by the agent as an array.
// Async example
(async function() {
await agent.cacheLogin("./bin/cache.txt", USERNAME, PASSWORD);
let manga = new Manga();
await manga.fillByQuery(QUERY);
await agent.sendMessage(RECIPIENT, "Manga Info", `${manga.title} by ${manga.authors} and ${manga.artists}.`);
console.log(`Manga Info Sent to ${RECIPIENT}.`);
Property | Type | Information |
id | Number |
This manga's MangaDex ID |
title | String |
Manga's main title |
authors | Array<String> |
All authors for this manga |
artists | Array<String> |
All artists for this manga |
genres | Array<Number> |
Array of the manga's genres' IDs. |
genreNames | Array<String> |
Array of genre names in the same order as their IDs: .genres |
cover | String |
Current Cover URL |
covers | Array<String> |
All cover URLs |
language | String |
Original language code (e.g. JP, EN, DE). See language.js |
hentai | Boolean |
Hentai or not? |
description | String |
Formated description string |
links | Array<String> |
Array of full URLs to additional links (e.g. MangaUpdates, MAL, BookWalker). See links.js |
chapters | Array<Chapter> |
Array of all chapters for this manga. Contains only minimal information like ID and title; use Chapter.fill() |
views | Number |
Amount of manga views |
rating | Number |
Manga's Bayesian rating |
ratingMean | Number |
Manga's Mean Rating |
ratingUserCount | Number |
Number of users who have left a rating. |
altTitles | Array<String> |
Alternate names for this manga. |
url | String |
URL to the manga's homepage. |
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Query | String |
Search Keyword(s) | No |
Searches for manga using keywords and quick search. Promise returns a list of MangaDex IDs sorted by relevance.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
searchObj | Object |
Search parameters | No |
Searches for manga using parameters as an object.
title: "Sangatsu no Lion",
author: "Umino Chica",
artist: "Umino Chica",
demographic: [1, 2, 3, "Josei"], // You can use strings too
pubstatus: [1, 2, 3, 4],
language: "JP", // Original Language
excludeAll: false, // True = AND mode; False = OR Mode
includeAll: true, // Same as above
includeTags: [4, 5, "Romance"],
excludeTags: [50],
order: "Rating (Des)" // Number or string; Des = starts with highest rated
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
ID | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | No |
Calls and fills object with info from MangaDex return. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Query | String |
Search Keyword(s) | No |
Fills object with the most relevent result from .search()
. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
searchObj | Object |
Search parameters | No |
Fills object with the most relevent result from .fullSearch()
. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Property | String |
"cover" , "id" , or "flag" |
No |
Returns the full URL of a partially stored one.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
id | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | False |
Returns an instance of this object with fill()
already called.
// Example: bin/test-manga-call.js
var manga = new Manga(MANGA_ID);
console.log(`${manga.title} by ${manga.authors.join(", ")}`);
Property | Type | Information |
id | Number |
This chapter's MangaDex ID |
type | Number |
What type is this chapter (internal, delayed, or external)? See chapter-types.js |
link | String |
Applicable link to chapter. It's either the MD Link, group delayed link, or external link. |
timestamp | Number |
Unix timestamp of chapter upload |
volume | Number |
The volume this chapter is from |
chapter | Number |
The chapter's number |
title | String |
The chapter's title |
language | String |
The language code for this chapter's translated language. See language.js |
parentMangaID | Number |
The ID of the manga this chapter is from |
groups | Array<Group> |
The groups that translated this chapter |
commentCount | Number |
Number of comments on this chapter |
pages | Array<String> |
Array of each page image's URL |
saverPages | Array<String> |
Array of each page image's URL, but from its corresponding data-saver server |
url | String |
URL to the chapters's homepage. |
views | Number |
Number of views for this chapter |
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
ID | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | No |
Calls and fills object with info from MangaDex return. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Property | String |
"id" or "flag" |
No |
Returns the full URL of a partially stored one.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
id | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | False |
Returns an instance of this object with fill()
already called.
// Example: bin/test-chapter-call.js
const chapter = await new Chapter(527948, true);
console.log(`This chapter is in ${language[chapter.language]}`);
Property | Type | Information |
id | Number |
This group's MangaDex ID |
title | String |
The group's official name |
description | String |
HTML Formated description string |
language | String |
The language code for this group. See language.js |
views | Number |
Amount of group views |
followers | Number |
Amount of group followers |
uploads | Number |
Amount chapters uploaded by this group |
links | Object |
Links to the group's website, Discord, IRC, and/or email. |
leader | User |
The group's leader. |
members | Array<User> |
All non-leader members of this group. |
founded | String |
The date the group was made. |
locked | Boolean |
Is the group locked? |
inactive | Boolean |
Is the group inactive? |
delay | Number |
The delay (in seconds) on each groups published chapter |
banner | String |
URL to the group's banner/header |
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Query | String |
Search Keyword(s) | No |
Searches for a manga using keywords. Promise returns a list of MangaDex IDs sorted by relevance.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
ID | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | No |
Calls and fills object with info from MangaDex return. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Query | String |
Search Keyword(s) | No |
Fills object with the most relevent result from a search. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Property | String |
"id" or "flag" |
No |
Returns the full URL of a partially stored one.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
id | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | False |
Returns an instance of this object with fill()
already called.
// Example: bin/test-group-call.js
const group = new Group(2233);
console.log(`${group.title} has uploaded ${group.uploads} chapters and has ${group.followers} followers and ${group.views} views.`);
Property | Type | Information |
id | Number |
This user's MangaDex ID |
username | String |
The user's username |
biography | String |
HTML Formated biography string |
views | Number |
Amount of profile views |
uploads | Number |
Amount chapters uploaded by this user |
website | String |
Link to user's website |
avatar | String |
Link to user's avatar image |
levelId | Number |
Level (admin, moderator, etc) of the user |
timeLastSeen | Number |
Timestamp of when the person was last seen |
timeJoined | Number |
Timestamp of when the user joined |
premium | Boolean |
Is this user a donor/premium user? |
mdAtHome | Boolean |
Is this user a MangaDex @ Home Contributor? |
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Query | String |
Search Keyword(s) | No |
Searches for a manga using keywords. Promise returns a list of MangaDex IDs sorted by relevance.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
ID | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | No |
Calls and fills object with info from MangaDex return. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Query | String |
Search Keyword(s) | No |
Fills object with the most relevent result from a search. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Property | String |
"id" , "avatar" , or "flag" |
No |
Returns the full URL of a partially stored one.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
id | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | False |
Returns an instance of this object with fill()
already called.
// Example: bin/test-user-call.js
var user = new User();
console.log(`${user.username} has uploaded ${user.uploads} chapters and has ${user.views} views.`);
Property | Type | Information |
id | Number |
This thread's MangaDex ID |
pages | Number |
The number of pages searched for this thread |
posts | Array<Post> |
An array of Post objects. |
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
ID | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | No |
Pages | Number |
Number of Pages to Parse (Default: 1) | Yes |
Calls and fills object with info from MangaDex return. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Property | String |
"id" |
No |
Returns the full URL of a partially stored one.
// Example: bin/test-thread-call.js
var thread = await new Thread(56429, true, 2);
console.log(`${thread.posts[0].author.username}'s original post: ${thread.posts[0].text}`);
Property | Type | Information |
id | Number |
This post's MangaDex ID |
author | User |
User with minimal information; use User.fill() . |
text | String |
The post's text |
Property | Type | Information |
newest | Array<Manga> |
Array of the most recently updated manga |
top6h | Array<Manga> |
Array of the top manga in the past 6 hours |
top24h | Array<Manga> |
Array of the top manga in the past 24 hours |
top7d | Array<Manga> |
Array of the top manga in the week |
topFollows | Array<Manga> |
Array of the top manga by follows |
topRating | Array<Manga> |
Array of the top manga by rating |
Calls and fills object with info from MangaDex return. Promise returns the object.
// Example: bin/test-home.js
let home = new Home();
console.log(`${home.topRating[0].title} is the highest rated manga on MangaDex.`);
Property | Type | Information |
id | Number |
This MDList's MangaDex ID (Same as owner's) |
manga | Array<Manga> |
All manga in this MDList |
banner | String |
Partial url to the MDList header banner (use getFullURL()) |
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
ID | Number |
MangaDex Object ID | No |
Order | Number|String |
Order of the returned list (see enum/listing-order.js ) |
Yes |
Category | Number |
Category of the returned list (eg Dropped and Re-Reading) (see enum/viewing-categories.js ) |
Yes |
Calls and fills object with info from MangaDex return. Promise returns the object.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
User | User |
MangaDex User Object | No |
Order | Number|String |
Order of the returned list (see enum/listing-order.js ) |
Yes |
Category | Number |
Category of the returned list (eg Dropped and Re-Reading) (see enum/viewing-categories.js ) |
Yes |
Uses a user object to execute fill() on their MDList.
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
Property | String |
"id" or "banner" |
No |
Returns the full URL of a partially stored one.
let list = new MDList();
await list.fill(LIST_ID, listingOrder["Follows (Des)"], viewingCategories.DROPPED);
console.log(`There are ${list.manga.length} dropped manga in this MDList.`)
Called with api.MDNet
(MDNet is the same as Mangadex@Home)
Arguments | Type | Information | Optional |
id | Number |
ID of client | No |
Returns information about a MDNet Client. Information includes its status, its total bytes served, and its failure rate.
Returns information the same as getClient()
for every MDNet client as an array.
let clients = await MDNet.getAllClients();
console.log(`There are ${clients.filter(e => e.available).length} online currently.`);
Service may be shut down during a DDOS attack.