A sketch for ESP8266 ESP-01 It enables the ESP8266 to connect to WiFi and send data from BME/BMP280 to an MQTT server.
Reset pin is high (with 10-12k resistor) and pulled low for reset. ESP.GPIO0 is pulled low for programming.
After uploading the sketch: ESP.GPIO0 is connected to BME280.SDA ESP.GPIO2 is connected to BME280.SCL
create a file called config.h containing:
#define WIFI_SSID "<wifi-name>"
#define WIFI_PASS "<wifi-password>""
#define MQTT_IP ""
#define MQTT_PORT 1883
The following channels are used.
All data is sent to a raw
tree using the chipId of ESP.
The status is retained, set to online when ESP connects and
set by mqtt broker to 'disconnected' when
no response from ESP was had for some period of time.
Test setup after uploading (without serial connection).