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Field | json field | Type | Info |
Spec | spec |
TenantSpec | The specfication for Tenant custom resource |
Status | status |
TenantStatus | The status for the Tenant custom resource |
Field | json field | Type | Info | Required |
Organization Name | organizationName |
string | Organization Name | Yes |
email |
string | Admin email address | Yes | |
Admin Username | username |
string | Admin credentials: username | Yes |
Master Account Domain URL | systemMasterUrl |
string | Master Account URL | Yes |
Master Account Credentials Secret | masterCredentialsRef |
object | See Master Secret for more details | Yes |
Admin Secret | passwordCredentialsRef |
object | See Admin Secret for more details | Yes |
Tenant Credentials Secret | tenantSecretRef |
object | See Tenant Secret for more details | No |
Tenants can be managed using master provider account credentials. This secret provides those credentials to the 3scale operator.
The credentials are tipically provided by APIManager
and stored in the secret name system-seed.
If this is the case, masterCredentialsRef
object should look like:
name: system-seed
Tenant controller will fetch the secret and read the following fields:
Field | Description |
MASTER_ACCESS_TOKEN | Master provider account access token with Account Management API scope and Read & Write permission |
If secret needs to be created manually, can be defined in the following way:
$ cat ecorp-master-secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: ecorp-master-secret
type: Opaque
MASTER_ACCESS_TOKEN: <master access token>
$ oc create -f ecorp-master-secret.yaml
secret/ecorp-master-secret created
then, masterCredentialsRef
object should look like:
name: ecorp-master-secret
Tenant creation requires Admin username, email and password. The password will be provided as a secret and referenced by passwordCredentialsRef
IMPORTANT This Admin Secret has to be created before Tenant custom resource is created. Otherwise, 3scale operator will complain.
Secret required fields:
Field | Description |
admin_password | Tenant admin user password value |
Admin secret needs to be created manually, can be defined in the following way:
$ cat ecorp-admin-secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: ecorp-admin-secret
type: Opaque
admin_password: <admin password value>
$ oc create -f ecorp-admin-secret.yaml
secret/ecorp-admin-secret created
then, passwordCredentialsRef
object should look like:
name: ecorp-admin-secret
When tenant has been created, tenant level credentials will be created to operate on that particular tenant.
Those credentials will be stored by tenant controller in a secret.
in tenant's spec will reference this specific secret.
Fields available in the tenant secret:
Field | Description |
token | Tenant's provider key |
adminURL | Tenant's admin domain URL |
Example Secret:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: tenant-secret
type: Opaque
Field | json field | Type | Info |
Admin User ID | adminID |
string | Internal ID for the admin user |
Tenant ID | tenantID |
string | Internal ID for the provider account |
Tenant Admin Domain URL | adminURL |
string | Tenant's admin domain URL |