A repo to contains data structure s and algorithms, regardless of language.
Not Affiliated with Digital Ocean or Hacktoberfest
Implementing new File/Directory Structure
- Try to keep things as modular as possible, the new file/directory structure should be:
ex: /data_structures/char_stack/cpp/cstack.cpp
ex: /algorithms/bubble_sort/cpp/bubble_sort.cpp
git clone https://github.com/bareinhard/Hacktoberfest-Data-Structure-and-Algorithms
git checkout -b <Your-Branch-Name-Here>
- Code your files in the proper directory based on the instructions above
- add all your files
git add your/directory/path/to/file/
(see new directory structure above) - commit your file changes
git commit -m "Whatever you did here, e.g. created linkedlist class in C++"
- push your changes
git push origin <Your-Branch-Name-Here>
- Create a Pull Request to master
- Fork Repo on Web Page
- Make your changes on your forked repo
- Make Pull Request to master