State-management designed to minimize renders while staying out of your way and letting you write natural mutable code without sacrificing object references.
npm install diagon diagon-react # core and react bindings
Full React sandbox here and sample app here
Read the Full Documenation
✅ Object change recording
✅ Property change subscriptions
✅ Mutable coding style
✅ Object graphs with shared references
✅ Cyclic references
✅ Map, Set, and Array
✅ Time travel with undo/redo built-in
✅ Transparent to 3rd party libraries
✅ Re-renders components only if state changes
✅ Prevents parent re-renders
✅ Async mutation with rendering control
✅ Allows almost all your components to be wrapped in React.Memo
✅ React 18 support with useSyncExternalStore
✅ Render batching
⬛ Concurrent Mode (may work but needs testing)