#The scripts is a different from elasticsearch_exporter because they summarize data to give a unique metric for a group of indices (defined by the regex). This work's better for time series data of specific ranges
- python 2.7
- prometheus_client
- requests
- The exporter querie for /_cat/indices (json format) to get indices stats (doc count and size). The exporter return summarize data by group of indices filtered by regex (indexPattern). For example, for a group of indice called customer-metrics-, a regex like '(.-logs)-20181010.*' will return 'customer-logs'
Export env variable:
es.endpoint: http://endpointES:9200 es.index.pattern: (.-logs).
Run the script
docker run -d -e es.endpoint="http://endpointES:9200" -e es.index.pattern="(.-logs)." -p 9099:9099 alanwds/es-index-stats
####### PR, comments and enhancements are always welcome.