NOTE: This code has been fairly much obviated by the HSV-RGB functions in the new FastSPI 2 library (
Ported from the Javascript at
The hard work was Michael's, all the bugs are mine. Robert Atkins, December 2010 (ratkins_at_fastmail_dot_fm).
- All functions are now not bound to Arduino's header
- Added conversion for single and full RGB color values from/to float to/from integer
- Array arguments have been split into triplets of pointers (one pointer per value)
- All functions are now static so there is no need for creating the RGBConverter object (constructor of RGBConverter has also been moved to private)
- Added alternative display of HSL using degrees and percentages
- Reformatted documentation
- Added example executable
- Added support for YIQ and CMYK conversion
- Added wrappers for conversion between non-RGB color values (example: HSL to HSV). Note: Due to the way these are implemented you will experience slightly decreased performance. This is because the first (convert from) color value is converted to RGB and then the RGB is used to generate the second (convert to) color value