You are welcome to:
- play with the demo,
- examine the code in this REPL,
- checkout my repository on GitHub.
This project is a humble example/experiment on how to integrate different markup syntax parsing in frontend, including following:
- markdown via markdown-it.js,
- mediawiki via wiki2html.js
Other external libraries and resources used in this project:
- css by github-markdown-css
- icons by
- Wikipedia logo
- corner ribbon by css-fork-on-github-ribbon
- frontend plugin to display/generate table of contents (TOC)
- frontend plugin to crawl and index all linked local pages for following purposes:
- display directory of pages,
- enable freetext/keyword search,
- display/generate tag cloud.
- backend plugin to list files and subdirectories within local directory (optionally matching specified pattern)
- integrate an editor, like SimpleMDE (GitHub)
(text below is an example of markdown syntax for test purposes only)