This is a minimal template project to build a QtQuick / C++ application in a modern build and package environment. For now, only Linux is supported, but more platforms might be added when a contributer requires them. For Linux, the application is then packaged as a portable AppImage.
To build and package, simply run in the project root directory:
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build --target all
NO_STRIP=true DESTDIR=${PWD}/build/AppDir/ cmake --build build --target install
For more realistic projects the list fo dependencies will become more complex, so may want to setup a ci/cd pipeline or create a docker image to build and package in. This simple example can be built with an existing docker image:
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/project danger89/cmake:latest sh -c "cd /project && cmake -S . -B build_docker && cmake --build build_docker --target all && NO_STRIP=true DESTDIR=/project/build/AppDir/ cmake --build build_docker --target install"
A ci/cd workflow for github is also added for the example.