Tidy Viewer (tv) is a csv pretty printer that uses column styling to maximize viewer enjoyment.
- Cargo Install
The following will install from the crates.io source.
cargo install tidy-viewer
sudo cp /home/ubuntu/.cargo/bin/tidy-viewer /usr/local/bin/.
For convenience add the alas alias tv='tidy-viewer'
to bashrc.
echo `alias tv='tidy-viewer'` >> `~/.bashrc`
- Install from source
The current version is alpha. I do not plan to push to crates.io until this is more polished. If you would like to try this in its raw state install rust and follow the steps below.
- Clone repo
cargo build --release
- cp binary to
- Add
alias tv='tidy-viewer'
git clone https://github.com/alexhallam/tv
cd tv
cargo build --release
sudo cp ./target/release/tv /usr/local/bin/.
echo `alias tv='tidy-viewer'` >> `~/.bashrc`
# Download the diamonds data
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/master/data-raw/diamonds.csv
# pipe 35 records to tv
cat diamonds.csv | head -n 35 | tv
Print only the first three digits. The first three digits represent > 99.9% the value of a number.
is a good compliment to command line data manipulation tools. I have listed some tools that I like to use with tv.
xsv - Command line csv data manipulation. Rust
csvtk - Command line csv data manipulation. Go
tsv-utils - Command line csv data manipulation toolkit. D
q - Command line csv data manipulation query-like. Python
miller - Commane line data manipulaiton, statistics, and more. C
xsv - a command line program for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting and joining CSV files
tsv-utils - command line utilities for tabular data files
q - q is a command line tool that allows direct execution of SQL-like queries on CSVs/TSVs
miller - Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for data formats such as CSV, TSV, tabular JSON and positionally-indexed.
Comes standard with linux.
pillar - R's tibble like formatting