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Based on:

Widget for iOS 18 showing your most listened to tracks within the past four weeks.


Spotify prerequisites

Instructions from Authorization Code Flow
1.) Go to Spotify Developer API and create a new Application
2.) Click "Edit Settings" and add as Redirect URI
3.) Open a Bash and set Client ID and Client Secret as environment variables

export CLIENT_ID=1234567890 # EDIT && \
export CLIENT_SECRET=mfq837wfgw8wvcg673gnfm # EDIT && \
export && \
export BEARER=$(echo -n "${CLIENT_ID}:${CLIENT_SECRET}" | base64)

4.) Open a new incognito browser tab:<YOURCLIENTID>&response_type=code& (Make sure to replace <YOURCLIENTID> within the URL)
5.) Click "Accept"
6.) You will be redirected to something like
7.) Store this code once again in an environment variable

export RETURN_CODE=AQD4q4v6Klt9ZW5VtTbnbHAWDLKK8y1t6Ammov.....

8.) Run the below command without any modifications

curl -H "Authorization: Basic ${BEARER}" -d grant_type=authorization_code -d code=${RETURN_CODE} -d redirect_uri=${REDIRECT_URI} > spotify_access_token.json && \
cat spotify_access_token.json

9.) You'll receive an access and a refresh token
10.) Create a new File called spotify-credentials.json using all your collected data:

  "clientSecret": "YOURCLIENTSECRET",
  "clientId": "YOURCLIENTID",
  "accessToken": "ACCESS TOKEN FROM STEP 8",
  "refreshToken": "REFRESH TOKEN FROM STEP 8"

11.) Store this JSON File in your iCloud Drive under Scriptable/spotify-credentials.json

iDevice prerequisites

  • Make sure to have iOS 18 installed
  • Download Scriptable App
  • Copy the code from this repo into the clipboard
  • Paste it in a new Scriptable script
  • Create a new Scriptable widget, choose a layout (last one recommended)
  • Under Parameters select how many tracks will be shown (max is 10) and select the period ([1-10],["short", "medium", "long"])
