This is a draft package of the alexi rapid eval tool. To use the tool, run the bash script
The tool is written in python 3.6.6, and has the following python dependencies:
In order to run, the tool needs to know where the daily ALEXI data files are, as well as a file prefix to identify them. Open the bash file and input the filepath to the data files where the variable "etdir" is declared.
- Example: The prefix for the global dataset CERES_EDAY_yyyyddd would be CERES_EDAY
Extracts daily timeseries of modeled and observed daily ET at a user-selected set of flux tower sites. The tool assumes that flux and ET data is stored locally.
- Flux data files are assumed to follow the naming convention <SITE_ID>.csv, but otherwise unchanged compared to those downloaded from the official Fluxnet site.
User can specify a range of years, a box size to pull ET data from, and a collection of fluxnet data sites.
Outputs a CSV file and an optional figure containing ET and flux timeseries data.
Input Options The python file AverageET can take a number of input options. Append them to the final line of the bash file to use them.
For a full list of different input arguments, run the following command:
python3 -h
Recommended optional arguments:
-g to generate quick-look graphs of your output data
-v for more detailed command line output and error messages
Further Questions? Check out the wiki: