An homage to dynamic stochastic synthesis on the Arduino microprocessor
Written by Andrew R. Brown in 2018
The Gendynish algorithm on the Arduino produces sounds similar to Iannis Xenakis’ dynamic stochastic synthesis but is technically only ‘in the spirit’ of that process and is not a literal reconstruction.
A pin on the microprocessor can produce monophonic output. To maintain the independence for multiple pin output the timing of the pulse wave frequency is controlled within the main loop of the code, rather than by manipulating the microprocessor timers. This is inefficient computationally but allows more polyphonic timbral flexibility.
Files are included for a monophonic version using the analog output on the PlayGround Express that provides more dynamic variation.
Details are published in this academic paper: Brown, Andrew R. 2019. “Gendynish: Stochastic Synthesis on the Arduino.” In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Art. Gwangju, Korea: ISEA International.