Neovim Plugin to decompile java classes. This plugin supports the following 3 providers:
The decompilers are not distributed by this plugin and must be downloaded separately.
Allows to decompile single java classes and classes inside jar, war, ear, etc files. Once the file is opened in the buffer the plugin will look at the decompiler configured by the user (cfr by default) and replace the class content in the buffer with the decompiled version with syntax highlighting (but not syntax on, to prevent a Language Server from running)
opts = {
decompiler = 'fernflower', -- cfr, procyon, fernflower
provider = {
cfr = {
-- bin = 'cfr'
jar = os.getenv('HOME') .. '/Software/cfr-0.152.jar'
procyon = {
jar = os.getenv('HOME') .. '/Software/procyon-decompiler-0.6.0.jar'
fernflower = {
jar = os.getenv('HOME') .. '/Software/fernflower.jar'
- As part of the setup, provide an option to auto install decompilers
- Implement code to support
decompiler - Add tests?
- Add user commands for files with other extensions?