Mesh is a framework that helps shape and build an executable GraphQL schema from multiple data sources. This repository contains multiple modules to adapt different platforms to the Aligent PWA.
Current Platforms:
- BigCommerce
- OroCommerce
yarn nx format:check
and yarn nx format:write
Single Project: yarn nx lint project-name
Affected Projects: yarn nx affected -t lint
All Projects: yarn nx run-many -t lint
Single Project: yarn nx test project-name
Affected Projects: yarn nx affected -t test
All Projects: yarn nx run-many -t test
Check Types
Single Project: yarn nx check-types project-name
Affected Projects: yarn nx affected -t check-types
All Projects: yarn nx run-many -t check-types
Single Project: yarn nx build project-name
Affected Projects: yarn nx affected -t build
All Projects: yarn nx run-many -t build
Single Project: yarn nx codegen project-name
Affected Projects: yarn nx affected -t codegen
All Projects: yarn nx run-many -t codegen
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Install yarn
npm install --global yarn
yarn install
Duplicate the
file as.env
for the mesh you are working on, fill in the values and place it in the corrosponding mesh directory.
$ cp packages/mesh/bigcommerce/.env.template packages/mesh/bigcommerce/.env
$ cp packages/mesh/orocommerce/.env.template packages/mesh/orocommerce/.env
Navigate to
and add environment configuration to.env
file (see section below: Environment configuration) -
Generate SSL certificates
yarn nx generate-certs
- Add custom domain,
sudoedit /etc/hosts
Adding the entry: mesh.local.pwadev
- Start the mesh server from project root by running
yarn nx serve
$ yarn nx serve bigcommerce-mesh
$ yarn nx serve orocommerce-mesh
You can now send queries to https://mesh.local.pwadev:4000/graphql
to hit the mesh.
- Is only used for development and adds more details to the logs via console.
- OroCommerce Storefront URL, used as a base for all Authentication and API calls
- Storefront OAuth application client id
- Storefront OAuth application client secret
To generate a client id and client secret head here: ${ORO_STORE_URL}/admin/oauth2/frontend
and create a Password grant type application by following these instructions:
- Visit https://{SOME_DOMAIN}/admin/oauth2/frontend
- Click on Create OAuth Application
- Name the new application following the pattern: GraphQLMesh-{FirstName}{LastNameInitial}
- Select Password as the Grant Type
- Click Save and Close
- Copy the ID and Secret displayed into your local .env file
are all created at the same time by Devops or Store owner in the BC Admin, from the BC Admin in settings -> Store-level API accounts -> Create API account. You may not be able to see this option to Create API Account
and will need to request these details from a shared folder in Lastpass.
- Is called ACCESS TOKEN
in the BC Admin, this token used for the BC REST APIS and has different scopes applied, e.g. will only work with the products API.
- These are used to create a BC customer login JWT created in the createCustomerLoginToken() function. This JWT is used for redirecting to the checkout whilst staying logged in.
- Is used by codegen to automatically create types from the BigCommerce GraphQL Store Front API. e.g.
this URL is accessible in BC admin => Settings -> API -> Storefront API Playground
- Unique ID for each BigCommerce instance and can be found in the URL of the Admin Dashboard e.g. linhpy40az
in this value will differ for staging and production.
- Is a JWT allowing access the BC Storefront Graphql API. This repository uses it for generating types with codegen.
Use the following Curl to generate a new token make sure to replace STORE_HASH
curl --location '{STORE_HASH}/v3/storefront/api-token' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: {X-AUTH-TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"allowed_cors_origins": [],
"channel_id": 1,
"expires_at": 1985635176
- This randomly generated key is used for signing the MeshToken
that is created by generateMeshToken(). The MeshToken is then used to authorise actions for a logged in user.
For local development this value can be any string.
- NOT REQUIRED FOR LOCAL DEV - we primarily use the Hive to monitor usage and performance across the various GraphQL queries. The Hive token is used to connect the Mesh to the Hive and send these analytics. It's also used in the pipeline to publish and verify newly generated schemas.
To generate this token you'll need to login to your Hive instance and go to Settings -> Registry Access Tokens -> Create new registry token. Select the preset GraphQL Operations Reporting
and copy the token. You can read more about the Hive here.
is being generated in the useExtendContextPlugin
plugin and being set in context.cache.set('customerImpersonationToken'),
. The token in then fetched from the cache context.cache.get('customerImpersonationToken')
inside of the resolvers that require it. The customer impersonation token is used along with a header x-bc-customer-id
to make customer specific requests to BC Graphql API, the alternative is to use the SHOP_TOKEN
cookie that is returned after making the login mutation to BC Graphql.
"Authorization": `Bearer ${customerImpersonationToken}`,
"x-bc-customer-id": bcCustomerId,
This JWT is generated in the Mesh in modules/bigcommerce/utils/tokens
in the createCustomerLoginToken
This is needed to keep logged in users logged in when redirecting to the checkout. This JWT is signed by the BC_CLIENT_SECRET
"iss": BC_CLIENT_ID,
"iat": dateCreated,
"jti": UUID,
"operation": 'customer_login',
"store_hash": STORE_HASH,
"customer_id": customerId,
"redirect_to": "/cart.php?action=loadInCheckout",
This repository is set up for the GraphQL Mesh to be run as a Gateway. This means that all API requests will be sent through the Mesh service, and then appropriately sent out to corresponding API's.
To use as a Gateway, after running yarn nx serve bigcommerce-mesh
or yarn nx serve orocommerce-mesh
, update your app to send GraphQL requests to the server URL provided
by the CLI, likely https://mesh.local.pwadev:4000/graphql
For further details User Guide
Tests can be ran with yarn nx affected:test
, this will execute tests affected by any changes you have made.
There are two styles of "mesh" in this repository, the original BigCommerce Mesh which is using GraphQL Mesh and can be found at packages/mesh/bigcommerce
and a newer style OroCommerce Mesh using Graphql Yoga that can be found at packages/mesh/orocommerce
For the original BC Mesh the skeleton of the code is in the .meshrc.yml
file. The meshrc file can get very large and hard to maintain. To help with readability, it has been split into multiple files and then referenced using the !include
syntax which is supported by graphql-mesh. This is not native yaml, so IDE syntax errors have to be ignored.
Each new platform that has been developed should be in it's own module and it's own mesh. E.g. BigCommerce integrations go in packages/modules/bigcommerce
GraphQL Modules are reusable extendable of schema, resolvers and middleware that are used to make it easier to scale and reuse GraphQL code across different servers.
- schema/*.graphql
- resolvers
- queries/
- mutations/
- index.ts
- middleware/
- types/
- index.ts
The schema directory contains one or more .graphql
files that define the graphql types, queries and mutations that this module will provide.
The resolvers directory contains the code that will be called when executing each of the query or mutation that are defined in the module's schema.
Each resolver should be in a seperate file and then imported into resolvers/index.ts
and then exported as part of the default export.
Middleware are functions that will intercept individual, or groups of resolvers to extend or alter the request or response.
Code generation is used to create typescript code for:
Input and Output types for our resolver functions based on the schema definition files listed in in each module's packages/{module}/src/schema/*.graphql
Operations Types for any graphql operation we perform on external API's e.g. the BigCommerce Storefront graphql API.
Run the generator command
yarn nx g @aligent/mesh:graphql-module --name=yotpo-graphql-module --shortName=yotpo --directory=packages/modules/yotpo --importPath=@aligent/yotpo-graphql-module --envFilePath=packages/mesh/bigcommerce/.env
You will then need to update the mesh application to load the module e.g. Add the createModule
function of the new graphql module to the modules array in packages/mesh/bigcommerce/src/application.ts
See docs/
There are currently two methods for hosting the mesh.
At this stage Fargate is our preferred hosting option. We run a container with an express server that runs the mesh code (see the docs for more info)
The pipeline is configured to build a docker image and push to ECR. This will then trigger a deployment from ECS which will use the latest image found in ECR. The infrastructure code can be here.
The Take Flight PWA being based on Adobe Commerce passes uid arguments to query and mutations. These uid's are usually encoded id's which Adobe Commerce knows how to consume, but for some properties in Big Commerce the decoded id version is needed. To get this id from the uid use the "atob" util function found in src/utils/encode-decode.ts. This will decode the uid from e.g. atob("Ng==") = "6". The counter part to this is the btoa method e.g. btoa("6") = "Ng==" which encodes an id to be an uid
this at build time \