This repository is a PyTorch implementation of the Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation paper also known as ACKTR.
Natural Gradients is the popular and powerful method of choice whenever second order optimization is considered. But its computation involves inverting the Fisher Information Matrix that for deep neural networks will have astronomical dimensions thus, impractical to use.
KFAC optimizer introduced approximations to the Fisher information Matrix that made it capable to be used in the regime of deep neural nets. ACKTR took advantage of this possibility and managed to train an A2C agent (the synchronous version of A3C) and showed both improvements in performance and more importantly the sample efficiency that was promised in the first place.
Seaquest | MsPacman |
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Environment: SeaquestNoFrameskip-v4
Number of workers: 8
If you take a look at other popular repositories that I have mentioned in the acknowledgement section as well, you will find that in order to compute Γ and Ω matrices for convolutional layers, they have divided the by the spatial size of the convolution operator. To be concrete, they all have done the following division and multiplication that I have brought form baselines and KFAC-Pytorch as the code references that are commonly refered to:
baselines when computing Ω:
fpropFactor = tf.concat([fpropFactor, tf.ones([tf.shape(fpropFactor)[0], 1]) / Oh / Ow], 1) # Division by Oh and Ow is equivalent to the division by the spatial size
baselines when computing Γ:
bpropFactor = tf.reshape(bpropFactor, [-1, C]) * Oh * Ow
KFAC-Pytorch when computing Ω: (They are already in doubt!)
def conv2d(a, layer):
batch_size = a.size(0)
a = _extract_patches(a, layer.kernel_size, layer.stride, layer.padding)
spatial_size = a.size(1) * a.size(2)
a = a.view(-1, a.size(-1))
if layer.bias is not None:
a =[a,, 1).fill_(1)], 1)
a = a/spatial_size
# FIXME(CW): do we need to divide the output feature map's size? P.S: [Are the original maintainers in doubt???]
return a.t() @ (a / batch_size)
KFAC-Pytorch when computing Γ:
def conv2d(g, layer, batch_averaged):
# g: batch_size * n_filters * out_h * out_w
# n_filters is actually the output dimension (analogous to Linear layer)
spatial_size = g.size(2) * g.size(3)
batch_size = g.shape[0]
g = g.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3)
g = try_contiguous(g)
g = g.view(-1, g.size(-1))
if batch_averaged:
g = g * batch_size
g = g * spatial_size
cov_g = g.t() @ (g / g.size(0))
return cov_g
The original paper at page 11 has presented following equations to compute Γ and ψ:
While, what those codes are computing is equal to the followings:I stuck with the paper and avoid such unexplained operations and instead did the followings:
brain/ when computing Ω:
def _save_aa(self, layer, layer_input):
if torch.is_grad_enabled() and self._k % self.Ts == 0:
a = layer_input[0].data
batch_size = a.size(0)
if isinstance(layer, Conv2d):
a = img2col(a, layer.kernel_size, layer.stride, layer.padding)
if layer.bias is not None:
a =[a,, 1).fill_(1)], 1)
aa = (a.t() @ a) / batch_size
if self._k == 0:
self._aa_hat[layer] = aa.clone()
polyak_avg(aa, self._aa_hat[layer], self.eps)
brain/ when computing Γ:
def _save_gg(self, layer, delta, grad_backprop): # noqa
if self.fisher_backprop:
ds = grad_backprop[0]
batch_size = ds.size(0)
if self._k % self.Ts == 0:
if isinstance(layer, Conv2d):
ow, oh = ds.shape[-2:]
ds = ds.transpose_(1, 2).transpose_(2, 3).contiguous()
ds = ds.view(-1, ds.size(-1))
ds *= batch_size
gg = (ds.t() @ ds) / batch_size / oh / ow if isinstance(layer, Conv2d) else (ds.t() @ ds) / batch_size
if self._k == 0:
self._gg_hat[layer] = gg.clone()
polyak_avg(gg, self._gg_hat[layer], self.eps)
- gym == 0.24.1
- numpy == 1.23.1
- opencv_python ==
- psutil == 5.9.1
- torch == 1.12.0
- tqdm == 4.64.0
- wandb == 0.12.21
python --interval=500 --train_from_scratch --online_wandb --env_name="SeaquestNoFrameskip-v4"
usage: [-h] [--env_name ENV_NAME] [--num_worker NUM_WORKER]
[--total_iterations TOTAL_ITERATIONS] [--interval INTERVAL]
[--online_wandb] [--do_test] [--render] [--train_from_scratch]
[--seed SEED]
Variable parameters based on the configuration of the machine or user's choice
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--env_name ENV_NAME Name of the environment.
--num_worker NUM_WORKER
Number of parallel workers. (-1) to use as many as cpu
--total_iterations TOTAL_ITERATIONS
The total number of iterations.
--interval INTERVAL The interval specifies how often different parameters
should be saved and printed, counted by iterations.
--online_wandb Run wandb in online mode.
--do_test The flag determines whether to train the agent or play
with it.
--train_from_scratch The flag determines whether to train from scratch or
continue the last try.
--seed SEED The random seed.
- You can put your wandb API key in a file named
at the root directory of the project and the code will automatically read the key and as a result, there will be no need to insert your wandb credentials each time:
def init_wandb(online_mode=False):
if os.path.exists("api_key.wandb"):
with open("api_key.wandb", 'r') as f:
os.environ["WANDB_API_KEY"] =
if not online_mode:
os.environ["WANDB_MODE"] = "offline"
if not online_mode:
os.environ["WANDB_MODE"] = "offline"
key = input("Please enter your wandb api key then press enter:")
- At the time of testing, the code by default uses the weights of the latest run available in
folder because each subdirectory is named by the time and the date (e.g. 2022-07-13-06-51-32 indicating 7/13/2022, 6:51:32) that the code was executed correspondingly so, please bear in mind to put your desired*.pth
file in the appropriate subdirectory inside theweights
directory! 👇
def load_weights(self):
model_dir = glob.glob("weights/*")
self.log_dir = model_dir[-1].split(os.sep)[-1]
checkpoint = torch.load("weights/" + self.log_dir + "/params.pth")
self.running_last_10_r = checkpoint["running_last_10_r"]
self.running_training_logs = np.asarray(checkpoint["running_training_logs"])
self.running_reward = checkpoint["running_reward"]
if not self.config["do_test"] and not self.config["train_from_scratch"]:
wandb.init(project="ACKTR", # noqa
return checkpoint["iteration"], checkpoint["episode"]
- Optimizing Neural Networks with Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature, Martens, et al., 2015
- A Kronecker-factored approximate Fisher matrix for convolution layers, Martens et al., 2016
- Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation, Wu et al., 2017
Following repositories were great guides to build up the current repository. Big thanks to them for their works and you can find them very handy if you're interested in more advanced implementations of KFAC or ACKTR: