LDT stands for "LDS Drawing Tool".
LDS stands for "Logical Data Structure" coined by Professor John Carlis.
A Logical Data Structure is a way of graphically representing data. The notation is useful for quickly documenting and understanding complex data structures. This tool is intended to be a graphical editor for LDS, replacing pencil and paper.
- allow LDS to be drawn and edited quickly in a digital format
- allow LDS to be edited collaboratively over the internet by many editors
- assist in teaching LDS notation to software engineering students using computer graphics
The following sections explain how to start hacking on this project. This consists of installing some system-wide dependencies such as ruby, node, etc (if you haven't done so already) as well as some configuration steps to get the rails app up and running.
This section is only for those who need to setup their entire Ruby stack.
Start by installing the following:
--The following assumes you are on a Linux distribution with aptitude
Install RVM
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash
Install ruby
rvm install `cat .ruby-version`
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install postgresql
node package manger (npm)
sudo apt-get install npm
gem install bundler
npm install karma
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
The following steps will create a database and user in postgresql:
First launch a psql
command line
sudo -u postgres psql
Create a database and user (in psql):
create user lds createdb password 'chickenfoot';
create database lds_dev owner lds;
create database lds_test owner lds;
grant all privileges on database lds_dev to lds;
grant all privileges on database lds_test to lds;
Install the required gems
bundle install
Migrate the DB
rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
rails server
karma start karma.conf.js
Install Chromedriver: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/ChromeDriver
As of January 2015 an issue exists between Selenium and Firefox 35. Install Firefox 34. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27960085/cucumber-capybara-error-arguments0-is-undefined-seleniumwebdrivererror
Run all tests (launches a Firefox browser):
bundle exec rspec spec
Check out the live site.