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allista edited this page Dec 11, 2014 · 1 revision

These hangars are very light, cheap and tough. You can drop them off from orbit using smallest thrusters and parachutes, then fix them to the ground with the anchor, inflate them and store a rover inside. If they're not needed anymore, you may empty them, deflate and pack back.

The simple inflatable hangar may be inflated only once, and if you deflate it, it becomes useless. The advanced inflatable hangar, however, is equipped with a gas compressor. So if it is landed on a planet with an atmosphere, it automatically refills its gas tanks and may be reinflated.

The main downside of Inflatable Hangars is that you can store only a single rover inside and you can't use resource or crew transfer.

Packed Inflatable Hangar

Inflated Hangar