CUSTOME USER with docker container name Backend on ::9000 and smtp4test platform for testing propose on ::5000
# TODO-API-todo app
created api v1 for todo apps create update delete tasks
swagger deployed on
# TODO-API-accounts app
created v1 api for accounting activity like register verify token-auth topology confirm and reconfirm api
created v2 api used djoser as main leader without customize
swagger deployed on
# API-TEST For API-restframwork V1 for todo app
7 tests will be applied
# API-TEST For API-restframwork V1 for accounts app
14 test will be applied
# redis as service in docker-compose as redis
# worker as service in docker-compose as worker
# deploy celery in django backend todo for background proccessing to synchronise with redis
# deploy celery django fo admin dashboard to mange schadualing tasks
# API Request from outside and send to Cache Server Redis for Save in specific time to load from redis Db
# for more speed loading
# Live Weather API in TODO/API/V1
{{CityName}} : Name of city you want current weather specification like Tehran,London,Paris ...... Default is Tehran
Example :
# Live Crypto Price API in TODO/API/V1
{{CryptoAbbreviation}}: can vary like BTC,ETH,XRP.... Default is BTC
Example :
if u want ran the project in STAGE mode user docker-compose-stage.yml
Specification of Stage mode:
- change debug mode to False
- Change database from sqlite to postgress with specific container
- use gunicorn as requset server from nodejs to django
- use nodejs as WebServer distributer with django and gunicorn
- config nodejs to handle requests to gunicorn for request and static and media files for django