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Releases: alwaysintreble/Chauffeur

Chauffeur v0.2.0

03 Feb 00:31
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Some internal restructuring and adds a sub menu to display installed mods

Chauffeur v0.1.1

29 Jan 17:14
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First release of Chauffeur! A modding library for Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom!


  • A custom logger that can be modified via config file to change the amount of saved log files and the log level. Default history of 5 files, and only writes user important messages.
  • In game menu modifications allowing any mod to add menu entries as well as custom sub menus.
  • Reflection utilities so you don't have to write it yourself.
  • Uses BepInEx and MonoMod, so both MonoMod and Harmony have to be available in an installation using this tooling

Any project using this can find it on nuget, and some examples using it can be found with some of my other simple mods:

Modded Taxi Goes Vroom v0.1.0

25 Apr 14:35
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Still not really sure what the future of this repository will look like but have a few bits in a playable state so releasing it as is to make the features and tools available.


  • In game "Trainer"
    • Toggle Debug Tools
    • Toggle in game input overlay
    • Limit Flip O' Will movement options
    • Various options on death to reset collectibles or the level
  • Custom Skin Loader
    • Comes with a few reskins as well as the ability to add your own custom skins to be loaded


  1. Download
  2. Extract the contents directly to the game folder Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
  3. Launch the game

Add custom skins:
Launching the game will create a TaxiSkins directory in the game directory. To create a custom skin:

  1. Create a new directory inside TaxiSkins with the name of your skin.
  2. Create images to be used for the skin. These must be named TextureTaxiGlassAnim then 1-8, and must be either .png or .jpg. Check the included skins for examples. For a guide on how to rip the assets for yourself to edit, see