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[ S I C ] r e a d m e

Implementation of SIC (Similarity by Iterative Classification), an unsupervised machine learning technique to estimate a similarity measures from repeated classification iterations on the data. See the following technical report for more details about the method, implementation and datasets used:

Similarity by diverting supervised machine learning — Application to knowledge discovery in multimedia content. Technical Report Inria Rennes. Amélie Royer, Vincent Claveau, Guillaume Gravier, Teddy Furon

See also the online documentation for additional information on the different scripts.


Python dependencies

  • Tested with Python 2.7
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Matplotlib

External libraries

  • MCL, Markov clustering algorithm
  • Wapiti, CRF implementation (text data)
  • HTK, HMM implementation (audio data)


main script

python -N [1] -t [2] -d [3] -c [4] -ts [5] -s [6] -nmin [7] -nmax [8] -di [9] -p [10] -cs [11] -cc [12] -o [13] -te [14] -in [15] -g [16] -cfg [17] -v [18] --debug --oar --help
  • Default options are found in the configuration.ini file.
  • [1] -i, --iter: number of classification iterations.
  • [2] -t, --threads: number of cores to use.
  • [3] -d, --dataset: dataset to use.
  • [4] -c, --classifier: classifier to use.
  • [5] -ts, --trainsize: proportion of dataset to use for training.
  • [6] -s, --sim: similarity type to use. Defaults to BIN.
  • [7] -nmin: minimum number of synthetic labels.
  • [8] -nmax: maximum number of synthetic labels.
  • [9] -di, --distrib: synthetic annotation mode (RND, UNI, OVA). Defaults to RND.
  • [10] -p, --post: post-processing task/algorithm (MCL or KNN, which requires a .qrel version of the ground-truth, see
  • [11] -cs, --cvg_step: check convergence criterion every cs step.
  • [12] -cc, --cvg_criterion: convergence criterion threshold. (Note that the current implementation of the convergence criterion with the concurrency of processes is far from perfect).
  • [13] -o, --output: output folder.
  • [14] -te, --temp: temporary folder.
  • [15] -in: input data file.
  • [16] -g, --ground: ground-truth file.
  • [17] -cfg, --cfg_file: provide a custom configuration file.
  • [18] -v, --verbose: controls verbosity level (0 - low to 4 - high).
  • [-db, --debug]: debug mode (save temporary files).
  • [--oar]: for usage on the cluster.
  • [-h, --help]

This create log file output.log and a similarity matrix in the numpy format sim_matrix_final.npy (read with numpy.load) in the output directory.

verbosity levels

  • -v 0: minimal verbose level; almost no printed trace.
  • -v 1: Default.
  • -v 2: Additional print trace.
  • -v 3: Prints out the classifier's traces.
  • -v 4: Outputs additional result (distributions plots, number of occurences in test for each entity ...) + save similarity matrix regularly.


** a typical run on NER **

	python -d NER -N 150 -c CRF -nmin 300 -nmax 300

** a typical run on AUDIOTINY **

	python -d AUDIO -N 300 -c HTK -nmin 20 -nmax 40	

Running on the cluster

To run the experiments on a cluster (OAR scheduler), you can use the scripts located in the OAR folder. Each script configures the options for the cluster and then call the script on one node. Once the computation is done, the corresponding similarity matrix is output in the configured directory. These matrices can also be combined with the results of previous interations with a weighted average for instance.

usage on the cluster frontend (batch mode)

oarsub -S ./

cluster configuration options in the .sh file

  • OAR -n [1]: name of the job.
  • OAR -l nodes=1, walltime=[3]: We use one full node so that can use all the processes on the node [3] is the limit of running time for the experiment with format hh:mm:ss.
  • OAR -p [4]: condition on the resources to use (e.g. Aquaint requires a node with > 45GB memory).
  • OAR -O [5]: output log file.
  • OAR -E [6]: error log file.
  • EXECUTABLE=[7]: path to


a typical run on Aquaint (OCA mode, 150 iterations per sample

	oarsub -S ./

a typical run on AUDIO (2000 iterations, HMM mixed type 1 and 2, 14 states total)

	oarsub -S ./

General structure of the implementation


  • is a wrapper for the run_* functions. It sets up the correct parameters for the run, apply SIC and then stores and evaluates the similarity matrix.
  •, and takes care of running SIC (respectively normal SIC, SIC with OVA mode, SIC with EM similarity).
  • utils/ contains the code for a SIC iteration on one process/thread.
  • utils/ and utils/annotation_scripts contains all scripts relevant to synthetic annotation.
  • utils/ and utils/classificationon_scripts contains all scripts relevant to training and application of the classifiers.
  • utils/ contains the functions for evaluation of a clustering and utils/evaluation_retrieval.prl deals with mAP evaluation.
  • evaluation_clustering and are wrappers for the previous evaluation scripts.


  • general options

  • root_dir: path to the folder extracted from the original archive.

  • N: number of iterations. Defaults to 50.

  • cores: number of cores to use for the iterations (not counting the main process). Defaults to 20.

  • locks: number of locks/cells in the similarity matrix shared in memory. Default value computed at runtime.

  • n_min: minimum number of synthetic labels at each iteration. Defaults to 300.

  • n_max: maximum number of synthetic labels at each iteration. Defaults to 300.

  • n_distrib: type of synthetic annotation. RND is random annotation, OVA is the one-versus-all setting, and UNI is the combination of the two (n between n_min and n_max classes are used, and each class characterizes only one sample). Defaults to RND.

  • training_size: proportion of the dataset to use for training. Defaults to 5%.

  • cvg_step: check convergence criterion every cvg_step step if positive. Defaults to -1.

  • cvg_criterion: convergence criterion. Defaults to 0.001.

  • similarity: type of similarity. BIN is the default SIC, WBIN is the first weighted scores variant, UWBIN the second one. Similarly, PROB, WPROB and UWPROB are the same but using probablistic scores instead of the basic binary scores (only coded for wapiti CRF which output probability of membership to a class for each sample). Finall WEM is for EM similarity. Defaults to BIN.

  • data: dataset (NER, AUDIO, AUDIOTINY or AQUA). Defaults to NER.

  • classifier: type of classifier to use (CRF or HTK or DT). Defaults to CRF.

  • task: type of evaluation task (MCL or KNN). Defaults to MCL.

  • temp: temporary folder.

  • output: output folder.

  • root_dir

  • classifier options

  • binary: path to local binary of the classifier (or in case of HTK, folder containing the binaries) if not installed globally.

  • oar_binary: path to binary compiled for Igrida machines.

  • For CRF and Decision Tree, any additional options is directly fed to the original classifier binary. For instance, the line algo=rprop in the configuration file will be translated as a call to wapiti with option --algo rprop.

  • For HTK, the following additional options are available:

  • hmm_topo: topology of HMM. Defaults to 1,2.

  • features: list of the type of features to use, separated by commas (MFCC, LPC, PLP, LPCEPSTRA). Defaults to MFCC alone.

  • evaluation options

  • binary: path to local binary of the evaluation utilitary.

  • oar_binary: path to binary compiled for Igrida machines.

  • For MCL, the following specific options are available:

  • i: inflation parameter. Defaults to 1.4.

  • p: pre-inflation parameter. Defaults to 1.0.

  • dataset options

  • input: input data (for NER, the text file containing the dataset; for AQUA, the folder containing the dataset; for AUDIO and AUDIOTINY the input can either be a folder containing precomputed folder (each set of features in a different subfolder named as 'featureHTKidentifier_numberofcomponents'. Or it can either be a text file containing on its first line a path to the audio samples of the dataset and on the following lines, the list of HTK features to consider).

  • ground_truth: path to ground-truth.

  • index_to_label: path to file containing a entity index to label mapping (use the result of parse_data in utils/ for its generation).

  • additional options

  • crf_pattern: wapiti pattern for the CRF classifier (NER, AQUAINT).

  • dt_pattern: pattern to select features for a weka decision tree (NER, AQUAINT).

  • words_occurrences: Structure to store the position of every occurrences of each sample for parsing (AQUA for OVA only).

Additional scripts for results analysis

plotting the similarity distribution

python [1] -n [2] -cfg [3] --mean --theo --help
  • [1] : input similarity matrix (unnormalized). The script expects a 'exp_configuration.ini' file in the same folder, usually generated when using
  • [2] -n: number of samples to plot for each class. Defaults to 5.
  • [3] -cfg: provide a custom configuration file to replace 'exp_configuration.ini'.
  • [--mean]: if given, plot an average ROC curve for each ground-truth class.
  • [--theo]: if given, plot the comparison of the distribution against the theoretical model of the corresponding SIC variant.
  • [-h, --help]

This outputs pdf histograms plots of the distribution of similarities for several samples across the matrix and for several normalization parameters.

convergence analysis

python -N [1] -t [2] -d [3] -c [4] -ts [5] -s [6] -nmin [7] -nmax [8] -di [9] -o [10] -te [11] -in [12] -g [13] -cfg [14] -v [15] --debug --help
  • Default options are found in the configuration.ini file.
  • [1] -i, --iter: number of classification iterations.
  • [2] -t, --threads: number of cores to use.
  • [3] -d, --dataset: dataset to use.
  • [4] -c, --classifier: classifier to use.
  • [5] -ts, --trainsize: proportion of dataset to use for training.
  • [6] -s, --sim: similarity type to use (EM not supported).
  • [7] -nmin: minimum number of synthetic labels.
  • [8] -nmax: maximum number of synthetic labels.
  • [9] -di, --distrib: synthetic annotation mode (RND, UNI, OVA).
  • [10] -o, --output: output folder.
  • [11] -te, --temp: temporary folder.
  • [12] -in: input data file.
  • [13] -g, --ground: ground-truth file.
  • [14] -cfg, --cfg_file provide a custom configuration file.
  • [15] -v, --verbose: controls verbosity level (0 to 4).
  • [-db, --debug]: debug mode (save temporary files).
  • [-h, --help]

Computes N iterations of SIC and compares the final similarity matrix to partial matrices in past iterations (see steps in

confidence analysis

python  [1] -cfg [2] --mean --theo --help


  • [1] : input similarity matrix. The script expects a 'exp_configuration.ini' file in the same folder and a eval_*.log file, containing the mAP results both usually generated when using
  • [2] -cfg: provide a custom configuration file to replace 'exp_configuration.ini'.
  • [-h, --help]

Computes confidence scores for the input matrix and compares them to the corresponding mAP results.

clustering evaluation

python [1] -i [2] -p [3] -t [4] -cfg [5] --mcl --help
  • [1] : input similarity matrix (unnormalized similarities or pre-treated MCL format). The script expects a 'exp_configuration.ini' file in the same folder, usually generated when using
  • [2] -i: MCL inflation parameter. Defaults to 1.4.
  • [3] -p: MCL pre-inflation parameter. Defaults to 1.0.
  • [4] -t: number of cores to use for MCL.
  • [5] -cfg: provide a custom configuration file to replace 'exp_configuration.ini'.
  • -m, --mcl: if present, the script expects an input matrix in MCL label format.
  • -h, --help

This outputs the results of the MCL clustering with the given inflation and pre-inflation parameters.

mAP evaluation

python [1] -s [2] -ov [3] -cfg [4] --help
  • [1] : input similarity matrix (unnormalized similarities or pre-treated MCL format). The script expects a 'exp_configuration.ini' file in the same folder, usually generated when using

  • [2] -s: number of samples to evaluate (s first samples of the ground-truth). If -1, the use the whole set. Defaults to -1

  • [3] -ov: If positive, assume the resulting script was obtained in OVA mode for the sample of index ov. Defaults to -1.

  • [4] -cfg: provide a custom configuration file to replace 'exp_configuration.ini'.

  • [-h, --help]

This outputs the results of the neighbour retrieval evaluation on the given matrix.


python utils/ [1] -cfg [2]
  • [1] : input similarity matrix (generally unnormalized).
  • [2] -cfg: provide a custom configuration file to replace 'exp_configuration.ini'.

By default this outputs a piechart representation of the ground-truth clustering and a heatmap and MDS/TSNE representation of the similarity matrix. See the script for more visualization tools.

features generation

The and script can be used to precompute several features on the input data that may be required for some experiments.

  • utils/ground_truth_qrel can be used to generate .qrel files from a ground-truth as needed by the evaluation_retrieval.prl script for mAP evaluation.
  • utils/parse_data can be used to generate the index_to_label and label_to_index mapping needed for readable outputs.

Additionally for the AUDIO database: Scripts in ./Data/AUDIO/Scripts and ./Data/AUDIO can be used to extract features, compute the ground-truth DTW (R dtw library) result and prepare the AUDIO database.

Finally, for Aquaint:

  • parse_stat/retrieve_aqua_entities can be used to count number of occurrences for each file to be stored into a file later used for parsing (this file was already computed and is aqua_entities_list in Data/AQUAINT/entity_occurrences_aqua and src/Precomputed).
  • parse_stat/retrieve_aqua_occurrences retrieves, for each sample, all its occurrences in the database and stores their position in a pickle file (1 file = 1 sample). The resulting files are used in OVA mode for Aquaint for parsing. The folder containing the pickle files should be given in the configuration file in section [AQUA], entry words_occurrences. (note for the full Aquaint dataset this results in about 26000 files for 1.2 gigabuytes).
  • parse_stat/count_aqua_docs_scores: computes a relevance score for each document in the Aquaint database. The higher the score, the more rare words the documents contains. This file is already computed and can be found in Data/AQUAINT/entity_occurrences_aqua and src/Precomputed.