This project demonstrates, how the stm32-platform could be used with a toolchain, based entirely on gcc and used with the meson build-system. It simply just contains a small blinky-example.
Please ensure that the following tools are available on your system
- Arm-none-eabi build tools (gcc, gdb, binutils)
- Meson-build
- Stlink
- Openocd (for debugging)
Choose a cross-compilation file or build your own, depending on the available development-board.
Simply execute:
$ meson setup --cross-file=stm32f407xx.cross build_f4
$ meson compile -C build_f4
Either use the specific build-target:
$ meson compile -C build_f4 flash
Or simple use stlink by yourself:
$ st-flash --reset write ./build_f4/sr/main.bin 0x8000000
If stlink has problems, ensure that the connection is up and the device is detected by the stlink
software. You can do this by the following command:
st-info --probe
You can debug your code, with openocd:
$ openocd -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/board/stm32f4discovery.cfg
# On a different terminal:
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb
(gdb) file build_f4/src/main.elf
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
(gdb) n
Or simply follow the instructions from here:
Please note:
For the WeAct v3.0, I had to change the reset_config
to none
, as suggeset here:
Alternative, using st-utils:
Currently, the toolchain has been tested on the following devices and development boards:
- WeAct V3.0 (STM32F401CCU6)
- NUCLEO32-L031K6 (STM32L031K6)
- NUCLEO32-G431KB (STM32G431KB)
Please feel free open issues and pull-requests on the project. My personal number of development boards is just limitteted. So if you have different boards and proved a cross-compilation file or even more examples, do not hesitate to make them available!
The possibly available nucleo-platforms are listed here:
The repository is available here: