This is the final project for Ruby on Rails Microverse's Module: a Twitter Clone.
Features on this project:
After creating an account, a user can log in to the app only by typing the username and password.
The user is presented with the homepage that includes:
- Left-side menu with current user information and main navigation.
- All Tweets/Opinions in the center of the screen, as the main content.
- Right-side section with Who to follow.
- More information about a user when clicking on its profile.
The Tweets section includes:
- Simple form for creating a tweet.
- List of all tweets (sorted by most recent) that display tweet text and author details.
The Who to follow section includes:
- List of profiles that are not followed by the logged-in user (ordered by most recently added).
When the user opens the profile page, they can see:
- Left-side menu.
- Cover picture and Tweets tab in the center.
- Right-side section with Profile detailed info.
The Profile detailed info section includes:
- User photo.
- Button to follow a user.
- Stats: total number of tweets, number of followers and number of following users.
- List of people who follow this user (only if there are any followers).
Additional feature:
- Users can upload a profile picture and cover image from their computer when signing up or when editing the account. When not uploading in Sign Up, a default profile picture and cover image will show up.
- Users can like and dislike opinions.
- Ruby v2.7.0
- Ruby on Rails v5.2.4
- Devise
- ActiveStorage & Cloudinary
- Git & GitHub
- Ruby: 2.7.2
- Rails: 6.1.3
- Postgres
To get a local copy and run this repository, follow these simple example steps:
Open your terminal and go to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
Download/clone this repository GitHub Repository on your computer: type
git clone
. (In case you need more help, check out this link: Cloning a GitHub Repository. -
Still in your terminal, use the command
to go to the place where you saved/cloned the repository. For example: Desktop/User/ror-capstoneproject/. You may use the commandls
to see the files and repositories existent in your current location. -
Install the necessary gems to run the project: type
bundle install
and thenyarn install
. -
Now, please run these commands
rails db:create
andrails db:migrate
to run all the migration for the database and have all tables updated and ready to use.
Now your environment is ready to run the project! Type rails s
, open your browser and type localhost:3000
To run all the tests, type on your terminal the command rpsec
👩🏼💻 Ana Paula Hübner
- GitHub: @anapdh
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- Twitter: @dev_anahub
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.