Set up a small and free Kubernetes Cluster in Azure
The following did not work for me.
lsb_release -cs shows virginia but there is no virginia on the web site
This did work
curl -L | bash
I don´t know why but without the aks-preview extention I get an error setting up the AKS cluster
az extension add -n aks-preview
az extension list
az version
To run the terraform apply you first need to login at Azure
az login
az account list-locations -o table
az account list
put in here all secret values
This file should not be put in git, because it contains secrets.
Check .gitignore
To access Azure with Terraform you need a client_id client_secret
Create a user e.g. terraform in
In the overview you get the client id
To to certifcates & secrets and create a secret client key. Copy the value.
put in here all values, but no secrets
terraform init [-upgrade]
terraform validate
terraform plan -var-file="terraform.tfvars"
terraform apply -var-file="terraform.tfvars"
terraform destroy