Test DRAM with Arduino Uno
- https://www.insentricity.com/a.cl/252
- https://github.com/FozzTexx/DRAM-Tester
- http://www.chronworks.com/DRAM
- DRAM pin -> Arduino UNO pin
- DIN -> 2
- DOUT -> 3
- CAS -> 5
- RAS -> 6
- WE -> 7
- A0 to A5 -> 8 to 13
- A6 to A9 -> A0 to A3
(Also connect DRAM supply pins)
The number of address lines is configurable by setting ADDR_BITS
- Writes output to serial, displaying which row and col failed
- Times the tests and writes how long it took, just out of curiosity so you can calculate of refresh is happening fast enough
- Does pattern tests first (10101... and 01010...) because this identified failed ram faster for me
- Added a random bit write test