Tools and samples to help use Java on z/OS.
Sample z/OS Java programs.
- compress Compress and decompress z/OS sequential datasets using gzip compatible compression. Data can be decompressed on other systems using gzip and processed by programs that understand the z/OS record formats. Likewise, programs on other systems can write z/OS compatible records, compress the data using gzip and it can be uncompressed to a z/OS dataset.
- show-classpath A simple program to help diagnose classpath programs. It displays the CLASSPATH environment variable, and the resolved CLASSPATH entries from the class loader.
- z-mail A program to send email from a z/OS batch job. The sample demonstrates using Gmail, using a TLS connection and a userid and password for authentication.
JCL Procedures and jobs to compile and run Java on z/OS.
3 PROCs are provided:
- JAVAC - Compile a Java program using BPXBATCH
- JAVAG - Run a Java program as a z/OS batch job using the JZOS Batch Launcher
- JAVACG - Combine the JAVAC and JAVAG procs to compile and run a Java program in one job.
Sample jobs are provided to demonstrate use of the PROCs.