Μετατροπή απλοποιημένης έκδοσης της Pascal σε Loop και διερμηνέας για την Loop, μία γλώσσα ισοδύναμη με τις πρωταρχικά αναδρομικές συναρτήσεις.
A reduced version of Pascal to Loop and an interpreter for Loop, a language equivalent to primitive recursive functions.
<loop_program> ::= <assignment> ;<loop_program>| <for_loop> <loop_program> | ε
<assignment> ::= <var> := 0 | <var> := 1 | <var> := <var> | <var> := <var> + 1 | <var> := <var> - 1
<assignment> ::= <var> := <id>(<variable_list>)
<variable_list> ::= <var> , <variable_list> | <var>
<for_loop> ::= for <var> := 0 to <var> do <loop_program> done
<for_loop> ::= for <var> := 1 to <var> do <loop_program> done
Comments are lines that start with "--"
- Τα προγράμματα που θέλουν input χρησιμοποιούν τις μεταβλητές i1, i2, i3, ...
- Τα προγράμματα που θέλουν να παράξουν αποτέλεσμα γράφουν στην μεταβλητή o1
- Προγράμματα που χρησιμοποιούν άλλα προγράμματα πχ x := add(x, y) πρέπει να βάλουν επιπλέον όρισμα στον interpreter --lib add.loop με το ορισμό του προγράμματος που κλήθηκε.
- Programs that need input use the variables i1, i2, i3, ...
- Programs that write output write to the variable o1
- Programs that get have a definition of the type x := add(x, y) need to provide --lib add.loop with the definition of the add program of the function exactly
<expr> ::= <simple expression> | <simple expression> <relational operation> <simple expression>
<simple expression> ::= <term> | <simple expression> <adding operator> <term>
<relational operator> ::= = | <> | < | > | <= | >=
<adding operator> ::= + | -
<sign> ::= + | -
<term> ::= <factor> | <term> <multiplying operator> <factor>
<multiplying operator> ::= * | div | mod
<factor> ::= <variable> | <unsigned constant> | ( <expression> )
<unsigned constant> ::= <digit> <unsigned constant> | ε
<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<statement> ::= <assignment statement> | <structured statement>
<assignment statement> ::= <variable> := <expression>
<variable> ::= <identifier> | <identifer> [ <expression> ]
<structured statement> ::= <compound statement> | <if statement> | <case element> | <for statement>
<compound statement> ::= begin <statement> {; <statement>} end;
<if statement> ::= if <expr> then <statement> | if <expr> then <statement> else <statement>
<case element> ::= case <expression> of <case list elem> end
<case list elem> ::= <unsigned constant> : <statement> <case list elem> | ε
<for statement> ::= for <identifier> := <expression> to <expression> do <statement>
<program> ::= program <identifier> <var definitions> begin <statement> {; <statement>} end.
<var definitions> ::= var <variable declaration> {; <variable declaration>} | ε
<var definition> ::= <identifier> {, <identifier>} : <type>
<type> ::= integer | array[<range>] of <integer>
<range> ::= <unsigned constant> ... <unsigned constant>
Θα δείξουμε πως γίνεται η μετατροπή από την περιρισμένη Pascal σε Loop προγράμματα.
Η ισοδυναμία των δύο βασίζεται στο γεγονός ότι ένα expression μπορεί να υπολογιστεί διατρέχοντας το συντακτικό του δέντρο και αποθηκεύοντας προσωρινά δεδομένα σε ξεχωριστές μεταβλητές.
Για παράδειγμα το Plus(Constant 3, Constant 4) θα γίνει
x1 := 1;
x1 := x1 + 1;
x1 := x1 + 1;
x2 := 1;
x2 := x2 + 1;
x2 := x2 + 1;
x2 := x2 + 1;
x3 := add(x1, x2)
και το αποτέλεσμα του expression βρίσκεται στην μεταβλητή x3.
Οι σταθερές μπορούν να υπολογιστούν και αποδοτικότερα με διαδοχικούς διπλασιασμούς ή και πολλαπλασιασμούς μικρότερων σταθερών αλλά θα παραμείνουν έτσι λόγω απλότητας.
Τα if statements μπορούν να γίνουν ισοδύναμα στην loop θεωρώντας τις τιμές bool ως αριθμούς στο {0, 1}. Υπολογίζουμε το expression μέσα στο if (εδώ res) και κάνουμε
temp := ifnzero(res);
for w := 1 to temp do
Τα case statements μπορούν επίσης να μοντελοποιηθούν μεσω διαδοχικών if statements και άρα δεν διαφέρουν από τα if statements.
Τέλος το for statement είναι ισοδύναμο στην loop αν βρεθεί το εύρος στο οποίο θα γίνει η επανάληψη (δηλαδή το κάτω και το πάνω όριο αποτελούν expressions), τοποθετηθεί το κάτω εύρος σε μία μεταβλητή και κάθε φορά προστίθεται σε αυτήν το loop variable ώστε να έχουμε αυτή ως τον πραγματικό loop counter.
Για παράδειγμα το
for w := 3 to 2*2 do
θα γίνει
-- Calculate (3)
x0 := 0;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
-- Calculate 2*2
x1 := 0;
x1 := x1 + 1;
x1 := x1 + 1;
x2 := 0;
x2 := x2 + 1;
x2 := x2 + 1;
x3 := mult(x1, x2);
-- calculate the difference from upper bound to lower bound
x4 := sub(x3, x1);
x4 := x4 + 1;
-- w := 3;
w := x0;
for x5 := 1 to x4 do
-- fix w to represent current counter
w := w + 1;
Στην μετατροπή δεν θα χρησιμοποιηθούν αρνητικοί αριθμοί παρότι αυτοί μπορούν να κωδικοποιηθούν από τους θετικούς ή να χρησιμοποηθεί για κάθε xi μία μεταβλητή xip με τιμές στο {0, 1} που καθορίζει το πρόσημο της xi. Επιπλέον στην μετατροπή θα χρησιμοποιηθούν identifier strings για τις μεταβλητές της loop. Αυτό δεν έχει διαφορά με την χρήση μόνο xi αφού όλες οι identifier strings μπορούν και αυτές να κωδικοποιηθούν από φυσικούς αριθμούς.
Για τα arrays της Pascal θα δημιουργήσουμε μία μεταβλητή για κάθε index του array. Πρόσβαση στα arrays θα κάνουμε υπολογίζοντας το εσωτερικό του [] και στην συνέχεια ένα μεγάλο case όπου για κάθε πιθανό index χρησιμοποιείται η σωστή μεταβλητή. Μπορούσαμε και να κωδικοποιήσουμε το array σε μία μεταβλητή χρησιμοποιώντας δυνάμεις πρώτων.
program hello;
x, y : integer;
z : array[0...10] of integer;
w : integer;
x := 12;
y := x div 2;
z[x-y] := x + y * 4;
for w := 1 to 3*3 do
x := x * 2;
if x > 10 then
x := 9;
Το παραγόμενο loop πρόγραμμα
Παρατηρούμε ακολουθία των 10 ifs που αντιπροσωπεύει τις 10 δυνατές τιμές που μπορεί να γίνει η ανάθεση λόγω index του array z
w := 0;
x := 0;
y := 0;
z0 := 0;
z1 := 0;
z2 := 0;
z3 := 0;
z4 := 0;
z5 := 0;
z6 := 0;
z7 := 0;
z8 := 0;
z9 := 0;
z10 := 0;
x0 := 0;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x0 := x0 + 1;
x := x0;
x := x;
x1 := 0;
x1 := x1 + 1;
x1 := x1 + 1;
x2 := div(x, x1);
y := x2;
x := x;
y := y;
x3 := 0;
x3 := x3 + 1;
x3 := x3 + 1;
x3 := x3 + 1;
x3 := x3 + 1;
x4 := mult(y, x3);
x5 := add(x, x4);
x := x;
y := y;
x6 := sub(x, y);
x7 := 0;
x6 := x6;
x8 := equals(x7, x6);
x9 := ifnzero(x8);
for x10 := 1 to x9 do
x5 := x5;
z0 := x5;
x11 := 0;
x11 := x11 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x12 := equals(x11, x6);
x13 := ifnzero(x12);
for x14 := 1 to x13 do
x5 := x5;
z1 := x5;
x15 := 0;
x15 := x15 + 1;
x15 := x15 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x16 := equals(x15, x6);
x17 := ifnzero(x16);
for x18 := 1 to x17 do
x5 := x5;
z2 := x5;
x19 := 0;
x19 := x19 + 1;
x19 := x19 + 1;
x19 := x19 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x20 := equals(x19, x6);
x21 := ifnzero(x20);
for x22 := 1 to x21 do
x5 := x5;
z3 := x5;
x23 := 0;
x23 := x23 + 1;
x23 := x23 + 1;
x23 := x23 + 1;
x23 := x23 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x24 := equals(x23, x6);
x25 := ifnzero(x24);
for x26 := 1 to x25 do
x5 := x5;
z4 := x5;
x27 := 0;
x27 := x27 + 1;
x27 := x27 + 1;
x27 := x27 + 1;
x27 := x27 + 1;
x27 := x27 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x28 := equals(x27, x6);
x29 := ifnzero(x28);
for x30 := 1 to x29 do
x5 := x5;
z5 := x5;
x31 := 0;
x31 := x31 + 1;
x31 := x31 + 1;
x31 := x31 + 1;
x31 := x31 + 1;
x31 := x31 + 1;
x31 := x31 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x32 := equals(x31, x6);
x33 := ifnzero(x32);
for x34 := 1 to x33 do
x5 := x5;
z6 := x5;
x35 := 0;
x35 := x35 + 1;
x35 := x35 + 1;
x35 := x35 + 1;
x35 := x35 + 1;
x35 := x35 + 1;
x35 := x35 + 1;
x35 := x35 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x36 := equals(x35, x6);
x37 := ifnzero(x36);
for x38 := 1 to x37 do
x5 := x5;
z7 := x5;
x39 := 0;
x39 := x39 + 1;
x39 := x39 + 1;
x39 := x39 + 1;
x39 := x39 + 1;
x39 := x39 + 1;
x39 := x39 + 1;
x39 := x39 + 1;
x39 := x39 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x40 := equals(x39, x6);
x41 := ifnzero(x40);
for x42 := 1 to x41 do
x5 := x5;
z8 := x5;
x43 := 0;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x43 := x43 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x44 := equals(x43, x6);
x45 := ifnzero(x44);
for x46 := 1 to x45 do
x5 := x5;
z9 := x5;
x47 := 0;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x47 := x47 + 1;
x6 := x6;
x48 := equals(x47, x6);
x49 := ifnzero(x48);
for x50 := 1 to x49 do
x5 := x5;
z10 := x5;
x51 := 0;
x51 := x51 + 1;
x52 := 0;
x52 := x52 + 1;
x52 := x52 + 1;
x52 := x52 + 1;
x53 := 0;
x53 := x53 + 1;
x53 := x53 + 1;
x53 := x53 + 1;
x54 := mult(x52, x53);
x55 := sub(x54, x51);
x55 := x55 + 1;
w := x51;
for x56 := 1 to x55 do
x := x;
x57 := 0;
x57 := x57 + 1;
x57 := x57 + 1;
x58 := mult(x, x57);
x := x58;
w := w + 1;
w := w - 1;
x := x;
x59 := 0;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x59 := x59 + 1;
x60 := greater(x, x59);
x61 := ifnzero(x60);
for x62 := 1 to x61 do
x63 := 0;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x63 := x63 + 1;
x := x63;
module Loop where
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.Path
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tree
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Loop AST for Parsing
type Variable = String
data AssignmentType = ToVariable Variable
| ToZero
| ToOne
| ToSucc Variable
| ToPred Variable
| ToProgram String [Variable]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data LoopProgram = Assignment Variable AssignmentType
| ForLoop (Variable, AssignmentType) Variable LoopProgram
| Concatenation LoopProgram LoopProgram
deriving (Eq)
toDataTree (Assignment v t) = Node ("Assignment " ++ show v ++ " := " ++ show t) []
toDataTree (ForLoop (v, t) end program) = Node ("ForLoop " ++ show v ++ " := " ++ show t ++ "to " ++ show end) [toDataTree program]
toDataTree (Concatenation l r) = Node "" [toDataTree l, toDataTree r]
instance Show LoopProgram where
-- show x = (drawTree . toDataTree) x ++ "\n\n Printed Program :\n" ++ toProgramStructure [] x
show = toProgramStructure []
wsfnb :: GenParser Char st a -> GenParser Char st a
wsfnb t = do
many space
res <- t
many space
return res
semicolon :: GenParser Char st Char
semicolon = wsfnb $ char ';'
variable :: GenParser Char st Variable
variable = wsfnb $ do
x <- letter
xs <- many digit
return (x:xs)
assign :: GenParser Char st String
assign = wsfnb $ do
char ':'
char '='
return ":="
assignment :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
assignment = try oneAssignment
<|> try zeroAssignment
<|> try varAssignment
<|> try succAssignment
<|> try predAssignment
<|> programAssignment
oneAssignment :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
oneAssignment = wsfnb $ do
target <- variable
wsfnb $ char '1'
return $ Assignment target ToOne
zeroAssignment :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
zeroAssignment = wsfnb $ do
target <- variable
wsfnb $ char '0'
return $ Assignment target ToZero
varAssignment :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
varAssignment = wsfnb $ do
target <- variable
op <- variable
return $ Assignment target (ToVariable op)
succAssignment :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
succAssignment = wsfnb $ do
target <- variable
op <- variable
wsfnb $ char '+'
wsfnb $ char '1'
return $ Assignment target (ToSucc op)
predAssignment :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
predAssignment = wsfnb $ do
target <- variable
op <- variable
wsfnb $ char '-'
wsfnb $ char '1'
return $ Assignment target (ToPred op)
programAssignment :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
programAssignment = wsfnb $ do
target <- variable
idbod <- many1 letter
idtail <- many digit
let iden = idbod ++ idtail
wsfnb $ char '('
vars <- variableList
wsfnb $ char ')'
return $ Assignment target (ToProgram iden vars)
-- variable list need to parse "x, y, z, w"
variableList :: GenParser Char st [Variable]
variableList = (try $ wsfnb $ do
v <- variable
wsfnb $ char ','
vs <- variableList
return (v:vs))
<|> (do
v <- variable
return [v])
number :: GenParser Char st Int
number = wsfnb $ do
digits <- many1 digit
return (read digits)
forSchema :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
forSchema = wsfnb $ do
wsfnb $ string "for"
startVar <- variable
c <- (try $ wsfnb $ char '0') <|> (wsfnb $ char '1')
let ass = case c of
'0' -> ToZero
_ -> ToOne
wsfnb $ string "to"
endVar <- variable
wsfnb $ string "do"
p <- loopProgram
wsfnb $ string "done"
return $ ForLoop (startVar, ass) endVar p
loopProgram :: GenParser Char st LoopProgram
loopProgram = wsfnb $ do
p:ps <- many1 (try assignment <|> forSchema)
return $ foldl Concatenation p ps
-- The actuall interpretation of a compiled LoopProgram
-- With the program we have a map<libraryProgram, Syntax of the program>
-- and the result of the computation is map<string, Int> the final values
-- of all variables after calculation
interpret :: LoopProgram -> Map.Map String LoopProgram -> Map.Map Variable Int -> (Map.Map Variable Int)
-- Change the value of v to the new one according to the assignment
-- if a function call is in the result to add
-- ---> Stop calculation
-- ---> Interpret the library function with arguments those of the function call
interpret a@(Assignment v t) libs prevMap =
case t of
ToVariable v' -> valInsert v v' id prevMap
ToZero -> Map.insert v 0 prevMap
ToOne -> Map.insert v 1 prevMap
ToSucc v' -> valInsert v v' (+1) prevMap
ToPred v' -> valInsert v v' (\x -> if x == 0 then 0 else x - 1) prevMap
ToProgram iden vars -> Map.insert v (fromJust $ Map.lookup "o1" (independentProgram iden vars)) prevMap
independentProgram :: String -> [Variable] -> Map.Map Variable Int
independentProgram iden vars =
parsedP = Map.lookup iden libs
func :: Map.Map Variable Int -> (Int, Variable) -> Map.Map Variable Int
func prev (index, curr) =
Map.insert ("i" ++ show index) (fromJust $ Map.lookup curr prevMap) prev
case isNothing parsedP of
True -> error ("no " ++ show iden ++ " program in the library\n all are:\n" ++ show (Map.keys libs))
_ -> interpret (fromJust parsedP) libs (foldl func Map.empty (zip [1..] vars))
valInsert :: Variable -> Variable -> (Int -> Int) -> Map.Map Variable Int -> Map.Map Variable Int
valInsert v v' f prevMap =
if v' `Map.notMember` prevMap then error ("unknwon variable " ++ v' ++ " in " ++ show a) else Map.insert v (f $ fromJust $ Map.lookup v' prevMap) prevMap
-- iterate the interpretation of the body from startval to endval
interpret a@(ForLoop (startvar, startval) endvar innerProgram) libs prevMap =
m' = interpret (Assignment startvar startval) libs prevMap
loop :: Variable -> Variable -> Map.Map Variable Int -> Map.Map Variable Int
loop start end currMap =
res1 = Map.lookup start currMap
res2 = Map.lookup end currMap
case (res1,res2) of
(Nothing, _) -> error ("you gave me a variable in a loop that does not exist :" ++ show start)
(_, Nothing) -> error ("you gave me a variable in a loop that does not exist :" ++ show end)
_ -> if (fromJust res1) > (fromJust res2)
then currMap
else (loop start end . interpret (Assignment start (ToSucc start)) libs . interpret innerProgram libs ) currMap
loop startvar endvar m'
-- Interpret left then interpret right
interpret a@(Concatenation l r) libs prevMap = (interpret r libs . interpret l libs) prevMap
-- New stuff for the compilation of a program targeting Loop so it can be printed
-- Directly into loop code from the AST of LoopProgram
toProgramStructure' (ToVariable v) = v
toProgramStructure' (ToZero) = "0"
toProgramStructure' (ToOne) = "1"
toProgramStructure' (ToSucc v) = v ++ " + 1"
toProgramStructure' (ToPred v) = v ++ " - 1"
toProgramStructure' (ToProgram p vars) = p ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " vars ++ ")"
toProgramStructure indent (Assignment v t) = indent ++ v ++ " := " ++ toProgramStructure' t ++ ";\n"
toProgramStructure indent (ForLoop (v, t) end inner) =
indent ++ "for " ++ v ++ " := " ++ toProgramStructure' t ++ " to " ++ end ++ " do\n" ++
(toProgramStructure (" " ++ indent) inner) ++
indent ++ "done\n"
toProgramStructure indent (Concatenation l r) =
(toProgramStructure indent l) ++
(toProgramStructure indent r)
module ReducedPascal where
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as Token
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
-- Datatypes for definining the AST of Reduced Pascal
data Variable = Variable String
| ArrayIndexedAt String Expression
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Expression = Equals Expression Expression
| Different Expression Expression
| Less Expression Expression
| LessEq Expression Expression
| Greater Expression Expression
| GreaterEq Expression Expression
| Plus Expression Expression
| Minus Expression Expression
| Mult Expression Expression
| Div Expression Expression
| Mod Expression Expression
| Constant Integer
| Var Variable
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- This is the datatype to hold a statement
-- A program is basically a statement but it needs to
-- have the variable definition space handled
data Statement = Block [Statement]
| Assignment Variable Expression
| If Expression Statement
| IfElse Expression Statement Statement
| Case Expression [(Integer, Statement)]
| For Variable (Expression, Expression) Statement
-- in the for loop (from-lowerBound, to-UpperBound)
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- The only two types of variables accepted in this
-- version of pascal
data PascalType = IntegerP
| ArrayP (Integer, Integer) -- it should have a second argument here for the types of the variables in the array but is not needed since we only have Integers and will only allow arrays[integers]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data VarDecl = IntegerVar String
| ArrayVar String (Integer, Integer)
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- The definition for the whole program
data PascalProgram = Program {
name :: String, -- Name of the program
variables :: [VarDecl], -- The Variables declared at the start
body :: [Statement] -- The main body (begin ... end.)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type SymbolTable = Map.Map String PascalType
languageDef =
emptyDef {
Token.commentStart = "(*",
Token.commentEnd = "*)",
Token.commentLine = "//",
Token.nestedComments = True,
Token.identStart = letter,
Token.identLetter = alphaNum,
Token.reservedNames = [
Token.reservedOpNames = [
lexer = Token.makeTokenParser languageDef
-- All the individual parsers for parsing lexemes
identifier = Token.identifier lexer
reserved = Token.reserved lexer
reservedOp = Token.reservedOp lexer
parens = Token.parens lexer
natural = Token.natural lexer
semicolon = Token.semi lexer
whiteSpace = Token.whiteSpace lexer
-- expression parser
expression :: Parser Expression
expression = buildExpressionParser table term
<?> "expression"
-- base case of expression parser
term :: Parser Expression
term = try (parens expression)
<|> liftM Constant natural
<|> try (do {id <- identifier; reservedOp "["; p <- expression ; reservedOp "]"; return $ Var (ArrayIndexedAt id p);})
<|> liftM (Var . Variable) identifier
<?> "simple term failed!"
table = [
[binary "*" Mult AssocLeft, binary "div" Div AssocLeft, binary "mod" Mod AssocLeft],
[binary "+" Plus AssocLeft, binary "-" Minus AssocLeft],
[binary "=" Equals AssocNone, binary "<>" Different AssocNone, binary "<" Less AssocNone, binary ">" Greater AssocNone, binary "<=" LessEq AssocNone, binary ">=" GreaterEq AssocNone ]
binary name fun assoc = Infix (do{ reservedOp name; return fun }) assoc
-- Now the parsers for Statements to build Statement Syntax Tree
statement :: Parser Statement
statement = try block
<|> try assignment
<|> try ifElse
<|> try if'
<|> try case'
<|> for
<?> "Probably Something Wrong with opening Statement Here"
block :: Parser Statement
block = do
reserved "begin"
s <- endBy1 statement semicolon
reserved "end"
return $ Block s
assignment :: Parser Statement
assignment = do
v <- variable
reservedOp ":="
e <- expression
return $ Assignment v e
<?> "Failed to parse Assignment!"
variable :: Parser Variable
variable = try (do {id <- identifier; reservedOp "["; p <- expression ; reservedOp "]"; return (ArrayIndexedAt id p);})
<|> liftM Variable identifier
<?> "failed to parse variable!"
ifElse :: Parser Statement
ifElse = do
reserved "if"
condition <- expression
reserved "then"
ifpart <- statement
reserved "else"
elsepart <- statement
return $ IfElse condition ifpart elsepart
if' :: Parser Statement
if' = do
reserved "if"
condition <- expression
reserved "then"
ifpart <- statement
return $ If condition ifpart
case' :: Parser Statement
case' = do
reserved "case"
arg <- expression
reserved "of"
l <- sepBy1 caseListElem semicolon
reserved "end"
return $ Case arg l
caseListElem :: Parser (Integer, Statement)
caseListElem = do
n <- natural
reservedOp ":"
body <- statement
return (n, body)
for :: Parser Statement
for = do
reserved "for"
Assignment loopVariable lowerBound <- assignment
reserved "to"
upperBound <- expression
reserved "do"
body <- statement
return $ For loopVariable (lowerBound, upperBound) body
program :: Parser PascalProgram
program = do
reserved "program"
n <- identifier
reserved "var"
vs <- endBy1 varDef semicolon
-- now for the main body
Block ss <- block
reservedOp "."
return Program {
name = n,
variables = concat vs,
body = ss
varDef :: Parser [VarDecl]
varDef = do
ids <- sepBy1 identifier (reservedOp ",")
reservedOp ":"
func <- type'
return $ map func ids
-- This just gathers which type it is and returns
-- the correct constructor to apply to the names
type' :: Parser (String -> VarDecl)
type' = (try $ reserved "integer" >> return IntegerVar)
<|> do
reserved "array"
reservedOp "["
from <- natural
reservedOp "..."
to <- natural
reservedOp "]"
reserved "of"
reserved "integer"
return $ flip ArrayVar (from, to)
sem :: PascalProgram -> Either SymbolTable String
sem p =
st = getSymbolTable p
programStatements = body p
case sem' (Right (Block programStatements)) st of
Nothing -> Left st
Just err -> Right err
getSymbolTable :: PascalProgram -> SymbolTable
getSymbolTable p = foldl func Map.empty (variables p)
func prev (IntegerVar v) | isNothing $ Map.lookup v prev = Map.insert v IntegerP prev
| otherwise = error $ varString v ++ "already defined"
func prev (ArrayVar v bounds) | isNothing $ Map.lookup v prev = Map.insert v (ArrayP bounds) prev
| otherwise = error $ varString v ++ "already defined"
sem' :: Either Expression Statement -> SymbolTable -> Maybe String
sem' (Left (Constant c)) st = Nothing
sem' (Left (Var (Variable v))) st | v `Map.notMember` st = Just $ varString v ++ "is not previously defined"
| otherwise =
case Map.lookup v st of
Just (ArrayP _) -> Just $ varString v ++ "is defined as an array and cannot be used in expressions"
Just (IntegerP) -> Nothing
Nothing -> Just "should not have gotten here"
sem' (Left (Var (ArrayIndexedAt v e))) st =
case Map.lookup v st of
Just (ArrayP (_, _)) -> Nothing
Just _ -> Just $ varString v ++ "is not an array to be indexed"
Nothing -> Just $ varString v ++ "is not previously defined"
sem' (Left (Equals l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (Different l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (Less l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (LessEq l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (Greater l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (GreaterEq l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (Plus l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (Minus l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (Mult l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (Div l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
sem' (Left (Mod l r)) st = helper [Left l, Left r] st
-- Starting to semantically analyse statements
sem' (Right (Block stms)) st = helper (map Right stms) st
sem' (Right (Assignment v e)) st = helper [Left $ Var v, Left e] st
sem' (Right (If e s)) st = helper [Left e, Right s] st
sem' (Right (IfElse e s s')) st = helper [Left e, Right s, Right s'] st
sem' (Right (Case e xs)) st = helper (Left e : map (Right . snd) xs) st
sem' (Right (For v (lbound, hbound) stmt)) st = helper [Right (Assignment v lbound), Left hbound, Right stmt] st
helper l st =
case (catMaybes . map (flip sem' st)) l of
[] -> Nothing
l -> Just $ unlines l
varString v = "Variable '" ++ v ++ "' "
parseProgram :: IO String -> IO (Either (PascalProgram, SymbolTable) (Either ParseError String) )
parseProgram inp = do
s <- inp
let p = parse program [] s
case p of
Left err -> return (Right $ Left err)
Right p -> case sem p of
Left st -> return $ Left (p, st)
Right err -> return $ Right $ Right err
module RPtoLoop where
import qualified ReducedPascal as P
import qualified Loop as L
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Operators to help not writing a lot of stuff
(<%) :: L.Variable -> (String, [L.Variable]) -> L.LoopProgram
var <% (fname, args) = L.Assignment var (L.ToProgram fname args)
(<==) :: L.Variable -> L.AssignmentType -> L.LoopProgram
var <== t = L.Assignment var t
(=>>) :: L.LoopProgram -> L.LoopProgram -> L.LoopProgram
l =>> r = L.Concatenation l r
infixl 0 =>>
decode :: Show a => a -> String
decode x = ("x" ++ show x)
-- Αυτό γίνεται γιατί κατά την διάρκεια της μετατροπής
-- ενός pascal expression χρειαζόμαστε ξεχωριστές μεταβλητές συνέχεια
-- για ενδοιάμεσα απότελέσματα
-- Το UniqueCalculation φορντίζει να περνιέται ένας ακέραιος μεταξύ των
-- calculation μέσω του οποίου δημιουργούνται νέες καινούργιες μεταβλητές
-- Το UniqueCalculation είναι Monad και από αυτό μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί το ειδικό
-- do-syntax της haskell για τον συνδυασμό μικρότερων calculations σε μεγαλύτερα και πιο σύνθετα
-- A Pascal Program will be defined as a UniqueCalculation of a LoopProgram
newtype UniqueCaclulation a = Calculation {
runCalculation :: Integer -> (a, Integer)
instance Functor (UniqueCaclulation) where
fmap f (Calculation g) = Calculation $ \i ->
(res, next) = g i
(f res, next)
instance Applicative (UniqueCaclulation) where
-- pure :: a -> f a
pure x = Calculation $ \i -> (x, i)
(Calculation f) <*> (Calculation p) = Calculation $ \i ->
(res, next) = f i
(res', next') = p next
(res res', next')
instance Monad (UniqueCaclulation) where
return = pure
(Calculation p) >>= (f) =
Calculation $ \i ->
(res, next) = p i
Calculation g = f res
g next
-- Grab an Integer for creating a new unique variable and change the state to the next Integer
next :: UniqueCaclulation Integer
next = Calculation $ \i -> (i, i+1)
-- Calculate the increment of a calculation
incCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
incCalc p = do
(res, rest) <- p
let f = head rest
return $ (res =>> f <== L.ToSucc (f), [f])
-- Calculate 0
calcZero :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
calcZero = do
var <- decode <$> next
return (var <== L.ToZero, [var])
-- Calculate a constant n
constantCalc :: Integer -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
constantCalc 0 = calcZero
constantCalc n = incCalc (constantCalc (n-1))
-- Calculate a series of calculations
calculateAll :: [UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])] -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
calculateAll [x] = x
calculateAll (x:xs) = do
(res, vars) <- x
(res', vars') <- calculateAll xs
return (res =>> res', vars ++ vars')
-- Pass to a function results of a list of computations
funCallCalc :: String -> [UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])] -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
funCallCalc s vs = do
(res, resvars) <- calculateAll vs
var <- decode <$> next
return (res =>> var <% (s, resvars), [var])
-- Caclualte if two calculations produce equal results
equalsCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
equalsCalc l r = funCallCalc "equals" [l, r]
-- Caclualte if two calculations produce different results
differentCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
differentCalc l r = do
(res, vars) <- equalsCalc l r
var <- decode <$> next
return (res =>> var <% ("ifnzero", vars), [var])
-- Caclualte if the first calculation is smaller than the second
lessCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
lessCalc l r = funCallCalc "less" [l, r]
-- Caclualte if the first calculation is smaller or equals to the second
lessEqCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
lessEqCalc l r = do
(res, rvar) <- l
(res', rvar') <- r
let var = head rvar
let var' = head rvar'
var1 <- decode <$> next
var2 <- decode <$> next
var3 <- decode <$> next
return (res =>> res' =>> var1 <% ("less", [var, var']) =>> var2 <% ("equals", [var, var']) =>> var3 <% ("or", [var1, var2]), [var3])
-- Caclualte if the first calculation is greater than the second
greaterCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
greaterCalc l r = funCallCalc "greater" [l, r]
-- Caclualte if the first calculation is greater or equals to the second
greaterEqCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
greaterEqCalc l r = do
(res, rvar) <- l
(res', rvar') <- r
let var = head rvar
let var' = head rvar'
var1 <- decode <$> next
var2 <- decode <$> next
var3 <- decode <$> next
return (res =>> res' =>> var1 <% ("greater", [var, var']) =>> var2 <% ("equals", [var, var']) =>> var3 <% ("or", [var1, var2]), [var3])
-- Plus of two calculations
plusCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
plusCalc l r = funCallCalc "add" [l, r]
-- Minus of two calculations ...
minusCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
minusCalc l r = funCallCalc "sub" [l, r]
multCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
multCalc l r = funCallCalc "mult" [l, r]
divCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
divCalc l r = funCallCalc "div" [l, r]
modCalc :: UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable]) -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
modCalc l r = funCallCalc "mod" [l, r]
-- This generates
programCalc :: (P.PascalProgram, P.SymbolTable) -> UniqueCaclulation L.LoopProgram
programCalc (p, symtbl) = do
let header = (foldl1 (=>>) . map f . Map.assocs) symtbl
res <- (statementCalc . P.Block . P.body) p
return (header =>> res)
f (v, P.IntegerP) = v <== L.ToZero
f (n, P.ArrayP (low, high)) | low == high = f ((n ++ show low), P.IntegerP)
| otherwise = f ((n ++ show low), P.IntegerP) =>> f (n, P.ArrayP(low+1, high))
expressionCalc :: P.Expression -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
expressionCalc (P.Equals l r) = equalsCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Different l r) = differentCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Less l r) = lessCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.LessEq l r) = lessEqCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Greater l r) = greaterCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.GreaterEq l r) = greaterEqCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Plus l r) = plusCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Minus l r) = minusCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Mult l r) = multCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Div l r) = divCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Mod l r) = modCalc (expressionCalc l) (expressionCalc r)
expressionCalc (P.Constant i) = constantCalc i
expressionCalc (P.Var v) = variableCalc v
-- Now compiling statements to LoopPrograms
statementCalc :: P.Statement -> UniqueCaclulation L.LoopProgram
statementCalc (P.Block [stmt]) = statementCalc stmt
statementCalc (P.Block (st:sts)) = do
res <- statementCalc st
res' <- statementCalc (P.Block sts)
return (res =>> res')
statementCalc (P.Assignment (P.Variable v) e) = do
(res', var') <- expressionCalc e
let var = head var'
return (res' =>> v <== L.ToVariable var)
statementCalc (P.Assignment (P.ArrayIndexedAt v e) e') = do
let Just ( P.ArrayP (low, high)) = Map.lookup v symtbl
(res, resvar) <- expressionCalc e'
let var = head resvar
stsres <- statementCalc (P.Case e [(i, P.Assignment (P.Variable (v ++ show i)) (P.Var (P.Variable var))) | i <- [low..high]])
return (res =>> stsres)
statementCalc (P.If e stmt) = do
(res, vars) <- funCallCalc "ifnzero" [expressionCalc e]
let var = head vars
nvar <- decode <$> next
res' <- statementCalc stmt
return (res =>> L.ForLoop (nvar, L.ToOne) var res')
statementCalc (P.IfElse e stmt stmt') = do
-- calculate the codition
(res, vars) <- expressionCalc e
let var = head vars
-- get two new variables to hold e && not e
truevar <- decode <$> next
falsevar <- decode <$> next
let trueScale = truevar <% ("ifnzero", [var])
let falseScale = falsevar <% ("ifzero", [var])
resif <- statementCalc (P.If (P.Var (P.Variable truevar)) stmt)
reselse <- statementCalc (P.If (P.Var (P.Variable falsevar)) stmt')
return (res =>> trueScale =>> falseScale =>> resif =>> reselse)
-- Case Expression [(Integer, Statement)]
statementCalc (P.Case e cases) = do
(res, resvar) <- expressionCalc e
let var = head resvar
casesres <- calculateCases var cases
return (res =>> casesres)
calculateCases :: L.Variable -> [(Integer, P.Statement)] -> UniqueCaclulation L.LoopProgram
calculateCases v [(i, stmt)] = statementCalc (P.If (P.Equals (P.Constant i) (P.Var (P.Variable v))) stmt)
calculateCases v ((i, stmt):cs) = do
bodyres <- statementCalc (P.If (P.Equals (P.Constant i) (P.Var (P.Variable v))) stmt)
res <- calculateCases v cs
return (bodyres =>> res)
-- For Variable (Expression, Expression) Statement
statementCalc (P.For (P.Variable v) (lowerBound, upperBound) stmt) = do
(resl, resvarl) <- expressionCalc lowerBound
let varl = head resvarl
(resu, resvaru) <- expressionCalc upperBound
let varh = head resvaru
-- calculate the difference because all loop forLoops have to start
-- at 0 or 1
diffvar <- decode <$> next
-- calculate the number the forLoop will be executed here we add one
-- since in pascal the for loop runs if the loopvariable is equal to the
-- upper bound
let difference = diffvar <% ("sub", [varh, varl]) =>> diffvar <== (L.ToSucc diffvar)
loopvar <- decode <$> next
body <- statementCalc stmt
let actualBody = body =>> v <== (L.ToSucc v)
return (resl =>> resu =>> difference =>> (v <== L.ToVariable varl) =>> L.ForLoop (loopvar, L.ToOne) diffvar actualBody =>> v <== L.ToPred v)
-- This is the harder part since we have to access an array
variableCalc :: P.Variable -> UniqueCaclulation (L.LoopProgram, [L.Variable])
variableCalc (P.Variable v) = do
return (v <== L.ToVariable v, [v])
variableCalc (P.ArrayIndexedAt v e) = do
-- This will never fail to match because the semantic analysis
-- will be prior to compiling to loop
let Just ( P.ArrayP (low, high)) = Map.lookup v symtbl
nvar <- decode <$> next
res <- statementCalc (P.Case e [(i, P.Assignment (P.Variable nvar) (P.Var (P.Variable (v ++ show i)))) | i <- [low..high]])
return (res, [nvar])