Compare two models: Original and Modern Hopfield networks.
Both programs do the following:
- Store a number of patterns in binary Hopfield net.
- Add noise to a stored pattern and use as query pattern
- Run the model and measure how close it converges to one of the stored patterns.
In general, it gets harder to converge to the stored patterns if there are (1) more patterns stored or (2) the query pattern is more distorted.
As described in the paper:
Command to reproduce:
python --noise-prob 0.05 --n-repeats 50
python --noise-prob 0.10 --n-repeats 50
python --noise-prob 0.15 --n-repeats 50
As described in the paper:
D Krotov, Dense Associative Memory for Pattern Recognition (2018)
Command to reproduce:
python --noise-prob 0.05 --n-repeats 50
python --noise-prob 0.10 --n-repeats 50
python --noise-prob 0.15 --n-repeats 50
Modern Hopfield network has higher storage capacity and achieves lower error rates in retrieval.