Script to run on a tvheadend server to automatically delete watched recordings from tvheadend store
================================ INSTALLATION:
To install, simply copy this script over to the machine that runs TVHeadend Edit the script and set a few parameters first at the top of the file.
When happy set the TESTING parameter in the file to 0 this will then do deleting (Before that it only displays what will happen, does not delete files!)
After setting TESTING=0 you can schedule this in cron so it runs daily, simplest method is in ubuntu/debian do: ln -s /etc/cron.daily/
Output of the script by default will be emailed to you when it runs by the cronjob system
REQUIRES: mysqldump (Only if you use MySQL as the database for XBMC) find sqlite3 (Only if you use the default SQLite in XBMC) [note, use sqlite3 not sqlite package in debian/ubuntu]
Revision History:
0.0.1 04/03/2013 Initial code